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July 15, 2019

July 15, 2019

9:15 am to 10:30 am

What Language Does Your Dog Speak? Dog Importations | Senator Jean Leising, Indiana

Antibiotic Usage, Veterinary Usage | Ron Phillips, AHI

Roadkill Bill | Senator Bill Hansell, Oregon
Hansell - From Grill to Grill

State and Provincial Animal Issues Session Summary

Extra, Extra, Read All About It | Dr. Liza Dunn, Bayer
Dunn-Extra, Extra, Read All About It Presentation

Chlorpyrifos | Elisha Kemp, Corteva

Regulatory Challenges | Pierre Petelle, Croplife Canada

A Growers Perspective | Dr. Rebecca Lee, Canadian Horticulture Council

State Ethanol Efforts | Senator Jason Frerichs, South Dakota

Furandicarboxylic Methyl Ester (FDME) | Paul Bloom, ADM
     Paul Bloom:Renewable Innovation - FDME

Solar Efforts | Representative Norine Hammond, Illinois

State and Provincial Energy Efforts

Whitmore Project | Senator Donovan Dela Cruz

State Incentives for Small/New Farms | Representative Jay Edwards, Rhode Island

Small Farm Accelerator Program | Minister Keith Colwell, Nova Scotia

From Family Farm to Retail Sales | Ray Price, Sunterra Farms

Farm Succession | MNA Carlos Leitão, Quebec


Growing Small and New Farms Session Summary

10:45 am to 12:00 pm

Industrial Hemp
Imperial 5-7-9

Indiana | Representative Don Lehe

North Dakota, Representative Dennis Johnson

Canada’s Experience | Ted Haney, Canada Hemp Trade Alliance
Haney Presentation: Hemp $1 Billion Blueprint

Industrial Hemp Session Summary

Carbon Farming | Assembly Member Didi Barrett, New York
Soggy springs, scorching summers: Higher temperatures taking toll on US staple crops

State and Local Efforts to Increase Resiliency | Rona Cohen, CSG-East
Cohen, Backgrounder on Resilience in the Northeast
... more

Rural Health

Connecticut’s Rural Health Care | Representative Kevin Ryan, Connecticut

Rural Mental Health | Representative Jeanne Poppe, Minnesota

Cooperative Efforts | James Gray, Gray Executive Direction

Minnesota's Cooperative Health Insurance | Representative Tim Miller, Minnesota

Rural Health Care Session Summary

Iowa | Senator Annette Sweeney

Idaho | Senator Jim Patrick

North Carolina | Senator Brent Jackson

Animal Confinement Bills | Gary Baise, OFW Law

Farm Security Session Summary

1:45 pm to 3:00 pm


Food Sovereignty | Representative Maggie O’Neil, Maine

Truth in Labeling, Beef | Representative Jay Houghton, Missouri

Truth in Labeling, Beef and Rice | Senator Francis Thompson, Louisiana
     Louisiana Act # 273

Impact of FSMA on Growers in My District | Representative Lynn DeCoite, Hawaii

... more

Land Use
Stephen AB


Setting Aside Marginal Farmland for Wildlife Habitat | MLA Toby Barrett, Ontario

Hunting Policy | Ches McDowell, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton

Domestic Disease Transmission | Senator Shelley Hughes, Alaska

Land Use Session Summary

The Protein Highway | Christina Connelly, Consulate of Minneapolis
How Manitoba Attracted a Billion Dollars in Private Investments! | Minister Ralph Eichler, Manitoba
Gene Editing and Agriculture | Gene Harrington, Biotechnology Innovation Organization
Texas Knows Agriculture Needs Broadband | Representative Doc Anderson, Texas

Growing Agriculture Through Trade and Technology... more

Rural Education Efforts | Representative Terry Goodin, Indiana

Rural Workforce and Immigration | Senator Janne Myrdal, North Dakota

Hawaii Efforts at Rural Education | Senator Mike Gabbard, Hawaii

Rural Education: Training to be an Urban Teacher | Senator Jerry Sonnenberg, Colorado

Ohio Efforts at Rural Education | Representative John Patterson, Ohio

Rural Workforce... more

3:15 pm to 4:30 pm

Road Trains | Senator Larry Luick, North Dakota

A New Way to Think About Paying for Roads | Representative Brad Witt, Oregon

Wildfire Response | Representative Tom Dent, Washington

Aspen Pre-Suppression Fire Technique | Representative Stewart Barlow, Utah

Volcano and Hurricane Response | Senator Clarence Nishihara, Hawaii

Disaster Response | Commissioner Sid Miller, Texas

... more

Importance of Rural Communities and Agriculture | Senator Dan Lauwers, Michigan

One Small Change | Representative Maggie O’Neil, Maine

Is Broadband Driving the Urban-Rural Divide? | Representative Beau Baird, Indiana

Rural Urban Divide Session Summary

Colorado’s Experience | Representative Dylan Roberts, Colorado

New York’s Experience | Assemblyman William Magnarelli, New York

Canada’s Experience | Allan Rewak, Emerald Health Therapeutics

Impact of Marijuana Legalization Session Summary