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Oklahoma to end tax credit that propelled wind production

A state tax credit that helped propel Oklahoma to third in the nation in its capacity to generate electricity from wind is coming to an end, but it will be years before state coffers see results of the change. Gov. Mary Fallin on Monday signed legislation that rolls back a 10-year tax credit for electricity generated by zero-emission facilities that was launched in 2003.Under the measure, zero-emission facilities must be operating by July 1 this year to qualify for the credit, instead of Jan. 1, 2021. [node:read-more:link]

Montana:Coal cleanup, oil and gas leases and raw milk debated as Legislature nears completion

A Montana legislative committee has tabled a lawmaker’s attempt to clarify how private land is leased to oil companies. Speaker of the House Austin Knudsen, is the sponsor of House Bill 384, which would have revised language used on oil and gas leases to inform landowners of the associated costs of oil extraction from their land. Knudsen said leases tell landowners they will receive royalties from wells on their land. However, he said the oil industry tends to deduct transportation and operating costs from that royalty. That information isn’t generally on the lease. [node:read-more:link]

First responders save pets’ lives — even when it’s illegal

The cat wasn’t breathing when firefighters with the Pikesville, Md., Volunteer Fire Company pulled it out of a raging apartment blaze earlier this year. So medics strapped on a special pet-sized oxygen mask, got the kitty inhaling and exhaling again, and then “transported him just like a patient to the 24-hour vet center,” fire Capt. Scott Goldstein recalled. The feline resuscitation was no big deal for the company, nor is it for many others in Maryland. EMS responders in the town of Bel Air saved a cat with CPR and oxygen in February. [node:read-more:link]

Florida Legislature Slashes Funds For Land Acquisition, Conservation

In 2016, no money trickled in from Tallahassee through the budget for Florida Forever, the state’s main program for acquiring lands for conservation and recreation, which has seen its funds — once as high as $300 million — thaw to less than $20 million in the last three years.  Gearing toward the May 5 deadline to pass a budget for the 2017–2018 fiscal year, the Florida House is earmarking no funds for Florida Forever, while the Senate is offering $10 million — a half of the dollars for all land protection programs. [node:read-more:link]

6 years in, dental therapist experiment is working, experts say

Eight years ago, the Minnesota Legislature authorized the licensing of mid-level dental care providers, known as dental therapists, to practice in Minnesota. The new career was supposed to expand access to dental care to more state residents, especially those with low incomes or who live in rural areas where dentists may be rare. Comparable to a nurse practitioners, the first dental therapist graduates began seeing patients in 2011. [node:read-more:link]

Lawmakers unveil Wisconsin Farm Veterans bill

Hailing Wisconsin's strong tradition of military service and agricultural excellence, a group of state lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are trying to bring the two traditions together with the Wisconsin Veterans Farm Bill of 2017. Senator Patrick Testin (R-Town of Hull) and Representative Evan Goyke (D-Milwaukee) along with co-authors Sen. Janis Ringhand (D-Evansville) and Rep. Ed Brooks (R-Reedsburg) are introducing a proposal to create a program to recruit military veterans into farming and authorize the creation of a logotype for veteran farmer products. [node:read-more:link]

Sorry, your farm isn't a farm, Iowa assessors tell angry owners

The land Steven Smith lives on has been farmed for more than 125 years.  It's less than 10 acres, but Smith grows alfalfa and usually raises some cattle when prices are higher.But earlier this month, the Wright County assessor notified Smith and about 70 other property owners that their small farms will be assessed like the homes in Clarion, Eagle Grove and the other small towns they live around — rather than as agricultural properties.In other words, as far as his property taxes are concerned, Smith's farm is no longer a farm.The residential classification increases Smith's property values [node:read-more:link]

Oregon Legislature says 'no' to GMO-free zones

Two bills that would have let Oregon communities ban genetically modified or engineered crops have died in committee. It’s the third time environmental and farm groups have tried and failed to pass the legislation, which they say is needed to prevent GE crops from contaminating organic and conventional crops. [node:read-more:link]

Maryland officials seek new poultry house rules

Authorities in Worcester County, Md., are preparing for two public hearings this month on a proposal to tighten poultry house regulations that was introduced in March, according to local reports. County commissioners introduced a bill that would limit the number of chicken houses that can be built on a parcel of land to eight and requires that the houses stand at least 200 feet away from adjacent properties. The proposal also calls for poultry houses to be set away from vegetation surrounding poultry farms. [node:read-more:link]

Alabama's new governor plans to abolish Office of Rural Development

Governor Ivy said "Rural Alabama is near and dear to my heart. Don't forget I'm from rural Wilcox County. My decision to shutter the Office of Rural Development will refocus rural development efforts into existing agencies." The previous governor, who just resigned, launched the Alabama Rural Development Office in 2011 to "improve and advance education, health care and economic development in rural areas of Alabama." It replaced two other state commissions, the Black Belt Action Commission and the Alabama Rural Action Commission. [node:read-more:link]


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