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Report: Food and agriculture drive one-fifth of nation's economy

Farm Futures | Posted onNovember 30, 2017 in Agriculture News

More than one-fifth -  20.4% - of the nation’s economy is linked, either directly or indirectly, to the food and agriculture sectors, according to a recent study commissioned by the Corn Refiners Association. The study also found that more than one-fourth of all American jobs - 28% - are similarly connected.

Rural Case on Net Neutrality

DTN | Posted onNovember 30, 2017 in Rural News

The neutrality debate pits major internet providers such as AT&T, Verizon, Comcast and Mediacom -- just to name a few -- against a growing industry of internet content providers such as Google, Facebook, Netflix and Amazon Prime. Caught in between are rural residents who lag behind urban residents in quality internet service, but also have growing demands for internet content.The FCC created the net neutrality rule in 2015 when Democrats controlled a majority of votes at the commission.

Farmers for America:A documentary to celebrate and support young farmers

Farmers for America | Posted onNovember 30, 2017 in Agriculture News

The documentary traces the extraordinary changes coming to America’s food system as more and more consumers flock to farmers’ markets, embrace farm-to-table lifestyles and insist on knowing where their food is coming from. At the center of the film are the farmers, young and old, who provide the spirit and energy to bring urban and rural America together over what both share in common:  our food. These farmers reflect nothing less than the face of America.

Clean electricity revolution poised to steamroll fossil fuels as cost of renewables plunges

Independent | Posted onNovember 30, 2017 in Energy News

The cost of renewables is plunging faster than forecasters anticipated just a few years ago as as technologies like gigantic wind turbines arrive on the market.

After Investing Billions, Is Illinois Grid Modernization Paying Off For Utilities And Customers?

Forbes | Posted onNovember 29, 2017 in Energy, SARL Members and Alumni News

Illinois has invested billions in electricity grid infrastructure, and now ranks 2nd nationally on grid modernization, but are these bulky efforts actually paying off nearly six years into the state’s initiative? State utilities have markedly improved reliability and operational efficiency through innovative smart grid technologies, but Illinois’ ambitious goal of adding more than 4 gigawatts (GW) of new wind and solar requires more than a modern grid - it requires more flexibility from customers.Fortunately, realistic policy solutions are within reach.

Green jobs are essential to Wisconsin's future

The Post Crescent | Posted onNovember 29, 2017 in Energy News

Throughout 2017, Wisconsinites kept hearing an old argument: jobs versus the environment. We must choose, we are told, between a healthy environment and a strong economy. Nonsense.In fact, during this age of global warming, one of the best ways to build a robust economy is to protect the environment and promote clean energy. And ignoring the effects of climate change hurts our economy. According to the group Clean Jobs Midwest, Wisconsin ranks dead last among Midwestern states in its percentage of clean-energy jobs — 0.85 percent, compared to an average of 1.8 percent.

Michigan study reveals opinions on wind turbines

Midland Daily News | Posted onNovember 29, 2017 in Energy News

The Midland County Board of Commissioners had the opportunity this week to receive unbiased information regarding wind turbines. At its regularly scheduled meeting, the board welcomed Sarah Mills, who presented the "Pros and Cons of Wind farms." Funded by the C.S.

USDA breeds pathogen-resistant broilers in study

Meatingplace (free registration required) | Posted onNovember 29, 2017 in Agriculture News

A blood test that identifies chickens with innate immunity to pathogens such as Salmonella and Campylobacter could help breed sturdier flocks for improved consumer food safety, USDA’s Agricultural Research Service said, citing an in-house study.

High school senior proposes bill mandating ag education

Capital Press | Posted onNovember 29, 2017 in Agriculture, SARL Members and Alumni News

 A high school senior will propose a bill during the 2018 Idaho legislative session requiring high school students to complete at least two agriculture education classes.If it passes, that means every student in the state would have to take at least two semesters of classes that teach them about agriculture. In other words, they would emerge from those classes with at least a basic understanding of the farming and ranching industry and where their food comes from, said Anna Peterson, 17, an FFA member at Skyview High School in Nampa who is proposing the legislation.

Tax Legislation and the Specter of Sequestration on the Farm Bill

Farm Doc Daily | Posted onNovember 29, 2017 in Agriculture, Federal News

A recent analysis by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has raised concerns about the potential impact the Congressional tax bills could have on farm programs and the farm bill. In short, the concern raised is that if the tax bills increase the deficit by $1.5 trillion over 10 years, existing statutory requirements for sequestration and Pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) would require automatic reductions to offset the deficit increases.
