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EPA, Army propose two-year delay of WOTUS

Farm Futures | Posted onDecember 4, 2017 in Agriculture, Federal News

The U.S. EPA and the U.S. Department of the Army are proposing to delay the effective date of the Waters of the U.S. rule by two years. The 2015 rule, which redefined the scope of where the Clean Water Act applies, had an effective date of Aug. 28, 2015. Implementation of the 2015 rule is on hold as a result of the Sixth Circuit’s nationwide stay of the rule, but that stay may be affected by a pending Supreme Court case. The 2015 rule is also stayed in 13 states due to a North Dakota district court ruling.

Fowl play? Study says turkey poop could help replace coal

The Weather Network | Posted onDecember 4, 2017 in Energy News

A new study out of the Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research suggests the treated waste from turkeys, chickens, and other poultry could replace up to ten per cent of the coal used in electricity production. Scientists say poultry waste generates heat at high temperatures and combusts in a similar manner to coal, making it a good renewable energy replacement. Disposing of poultry waste in an environmentally-friendly manner is an ongoing problem for farmers. Converting it into energy could help solve that issue.

Veterinarians may be the biggest advocates in explaining how food is produced

The Fence Post | Posted onDecember 4, 2017 in Agriculture, Food News

With the problems in animal agriculture today, veterinarians may be the most important advocate for the beef industry and food animal production.  "My job is to work with retailers of the beef industry, and tell them what a good job we do as an industry, how hard we work, how safe our food is, and how much we care about our animals and neighbors," Thomson said to producers.

Scare-mongering not productive approach to antibiotic discussion

Feedstuffs | Posted onDecember 4, 2017 in Agriculture News

Antibiotic resistance represents a serious, complex public health consideration and there is work to be done, but over-simplified storylines and scare-mongering is not a productive path toward a science-based solution.Avoparsin (chemically similar to vancomycin) was banned in 1997 in the EU – largely the result of a rise in VRE (vancomycin-resistant enterococci) incidence in food animals.

Science Moms: Download the film here

Science Moms | Posted onDecember 2, 2017 in Agriculture News

This is a film that will give a voice to the science-minded moms - the women who are too often drowned out by the fear mongers, the shamers, and the CelebMoms. Through interviews with "science moms" who are on the front lines of this struggle, we’ll dissect the bogus claims of these celebrities one by one and explain in simple language what the science really shows about GMOs, vaccines, homeopathy, and any of these topics that are often in the headlines, yet even more often are misunderstood.  We can’t change everyone’s minds, but we can make our voices heard. One mom at a time.

EPA leaves biodiesel alone, raises cellulosic volume

DTN | Posted onDecember 2, 2017 in Energy, Federal News

Despite a major push from the Midwest to bolster Renewable Fuel Standard volumes for biomass-based diesel and cellulosic ethanol, in the end, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency left its final numbers released on Thursday virtually untouched from the original proposal. Though the biodiesel industry pressed President Donald Trump's administration for higher biomass-based diesel volumes above the proposed 2.1 billion gallons for 2019, the EPA left that number unchanged.

Letter: Stop using farmers like me to sell flawed tax reform bill

Ag Week | Posted onDecember 2, 2017 in Agriculture, Federal News

Whether Republican or Democrat, most of us agree that tax reform and simplification is necessary. However, as is often the case, those supporting a piece of legislation overstate their talking points. As a farmer, I felt that I had to respond to those politicians who use farmers like me as the reason why the estate tax should be eliminated.

Why are supply management programs such an anathema to so many people

Ag Policy | Posted onDecember 2, 2017 in Agriculture News

Why are supply management programs such an anathema to so many people? Part of the reason can be traced to events that took place 34 years ago.

WOTUS Block included in appropriations bill

National Stone Sand & Gravel Association | Posted onDecember 2, 2017 in Agriculture, Federal News

A bill approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee on June 16 would block the implementation of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule as it funds the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at $32 billion. The 2017 Interior and Environment bill would cut $125 million from current fiscal 2016 levels and is $1.1 billion less than the White House sought. The House Appropriations committee also marked up its Interior and Environment bill that includes a rider against WOTUS.

To Cut Drug Prices, Academy of Sciences Tells the Government to Negotiate With Manufacturers

The New York Times | Posted onDecember 2, 2017 in Rural, SARL Members and Alumni News

The National Academy of Sciences called Thursday for sweeping changes in the pricing, sale and promotion of prescription drugs to make lifesaving treatments more affordable without discouraging the development of new medicines. The federal government should negotiate drug prices with manufacturers, the academy said, an idea pushed by Democrats for years, embraced by President Trump during the 2016 campaign, but opposed by congressional Republicans.
