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Feds stop North Cascades grizzly recovery

Capital Press | Posted onDecember 28, 2017 in Rural News

The National Park Service apparently is shutting down its efforts to reintroduce grizzly bears into the North Cascades Ecosystem. Conservation Northwest, a regional conservation organization strongly supportive of grizzly bear recovery, issued a new release, Dec. 18, lamenting what it said was a stop work order announced Dec. 13 at an Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee meeting in Missoula, Mont.

As Opioid Use Climbs, Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Rises

University of New Hampshire | Posted onDecember 28, 2017 in News

The opioid crisis besetting every region of the United States directly affects more than just those who use substances. For a pregnant woman, a consequence of substance use can be neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)—withdrawal symptoms experienced by the newborn. NAS is on the rise in New Hampshire, but prenatal care for the mother can reduce or eliminate the risk.

EU-Japan trade deal worrisome for U.S. farm exports

Capital Press | Posted onDecember 28, 2017 in Agriculture News

U.S. cheese exports stand to suffer from a trade deal struck between Japan and the European Union, but beef is also likely to be impacted indirectly.

EPA lowballs manure rule’s reach, farm groups say

Capital Press | Posted onDecember 28, 2017 in Agriculture, Federal News

The Environmental Protection Agency has underestimated how many producers will have to report that their animals are releasing gas, according to farm groups. The new reporting requirement, forced by an environmental lawsuit and expected to take effect Jan. 22, will apply to hundreds of thousands of farms, not the 44,900 projected by the EPA, the groups say.“This number is woefully inadequate and vastly under-represents the universe of producers who will be impacted by these reporting requirements,” the American Farm Bureau Federation stated in comments to the EPA.

AVMA Economic Summit highlights veterinary income, job market

Veterinary Practice News | Posted onDecember 28, 2017 in Agriculture News

According to the report, which will be released in 2018, the number of dog-owning households is the highest since the AVMA began measuring pet ownership, the number of cat owners has dropped drastically, horse and pet bird ownership are declining, and backyard poultry ownership is increasing.

Tribe will move from shrinking island to farm in Louisiana

ABC News | Posted onDecember 28, 2017 in Rural News

Louisiana officials have chosen a sugar cane farm as the next home for residents of a tiny, shrinking island — a move funded with a 2016 federal grant awarded to help relocate communities fleeing the effects of climate change.

Ethanol-State Senators Wait for Proposal from Cruz, Who Maintains Hold on USDA Nominee

DTN | Posted onDecember 28, 2017 in Agriculture, Energy News

 Sen. Ted Cruz has now gotten multiple meetings at the White House over the Renewable Fuels Standard but the Texas Republican still maintains his hold on Iowa Agriculture Secretary Bill Northey's undersecretary nomination at USDA. And, following a meeting Wednesday with staff from several senators at the White House's Eisenhower Executive Office Building, it seems Cruz doesn't know what exactly he wants changed with the Renewable Fuel Standard."He just keeps moving the goalpost and moving the goalpost," said a frustrated Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, on Thursday.Staff from the offices of Sens.

Texas Senator Seeks RIN Cap

DTN | Posted onDecember 28, 2017 in Energy, Federal News

 Leaders in the biofuels industry wrote President Donald Trump on Friday after learning Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, had floated a proposal to the White House that would essentially cap prices for renewable identification number (RIN) credits at 10 cents apiece.

Tallying Economic Effects of the RFS Decade

DTN | Posted onDecember 28, 2017 in Agriculture, Energy News

Look no further than how falling commodity prices have affected rural America in recent years, and you'll get a feel for what the Renewable Fuel Standard has meant to the countryside. Back in 2005 when the first RFS was signed into law, it was challenging just to keep up on the seemingly endless number of announced plans to build corn ethanol plants.

UNH Researchers Find Drastic Decline in N.H.’s Bumblebees

University of New Hampshire | Posted onDecember 28, 2017 in News

In the first long-term study of New Hampshire’s bumblebee population, researchers at the University of New Hampshire have found three of the state’s most important bumble bee species have experienced drastic declines and range constriction over the last 150 years, with a fourth bee also in significant decline.   
