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Bills would classify large Oregon dairies 'industrial'

Capital Press | Posted onDecember 21, 2018 in Agriculture, SARL Members and Alumni News

Large dairies would be classified as industrial facilities and subject to new restrictions under two bills to be considered by Oregon lawmakers next year. At a Dec.

Farm Bill Outlaws Cat and Dog Meat in the U.S.

Fortune | Posted onDecember 21, 2018 in Federal News

Specifically, this year’s Farm Bill would prohibit the slaughter and sale (both import and export) of cat and dog meat for human consumption. While it is not a typical or widespread practice to eat dogs and cats in the U.S., it is still legal in 44 states. If President Trump signs the Farm Bill as expected, this will no longer be the case.

Farm bill includes King bill to bring fast internet to farms

WABI | Posted onDecember 21, 2018 in Federal, Rural News

A bill co-sponsored by Maine's independent senator that promises to help bring high-speed internet to farms has passed Congress as part of the 2018 Farm Bill. Sen. Angus King in May co-sponsored the Precision Agriculture Connectivity Act of 2018, which he says is designed to promote precision agriculture and deployment of rural broadband.

A Boost for Young, Diverse Farmers

The Atlantic | Posted onDecember 21, 2018 in Federal News

The new farm bill, which passed through both houses of Congress last week and is waiting on Donald Trump’s signature, nearly triples funding for the only two programs specifically designed to support beginning and socially disadvantaged farmers; in other words, farmers outside the current dominant—and aging—demographic.

How these photographers used a camera to tell stories of rural America

PBS News Hour | Posted onDecember 21, 2018 in News

Photographers Fred Baldwin and Wendy Watriss traveled and worked abroad for years before meeting in the late 1960s. As a couple, they decided to shift their professional focus to the U.S., and specifically to the rural south. Their imagery documents churches, farms and families, as well as the racial and social tensions of each era. Jeffrey Brown reports on their prolific work and lasting legacy.

Farmers urged to support Trump rollback of water rules

WKRN | Posted onDecember 21, 2018 in Federal News

The Trump administration called on farmers to throw their support behind a proposal to withdraw federal protections for many of the country’s waterways and wetlands. Environmental Protection Agency acting administrator Andrew Wheeler and U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Purdue on Tuesday traveled to middle Tennessee to drum up support among the state’s agricultural community in their pursuit to replace the Obama-era water protections.Environmental groups have warned the proposed overhaul will be a grave assault on the aims of the 1972 Clean Water Act, the foundational U.S.

Wetlands, lakes would lose protections under Michigan bill

Washington Post | Posted onDecember 21, 2018 in Rural, SARL Members and Alumni News

Michigan legislators were poised Tuesday to remove legal protections from many of the state’s wetlands and other inland waterways, which provide wildlife habitat and perform vital tasks such as preventing floods. A bill approved by a House committee would eliminate a requirement to obtain state permits before dredging, filling or otherwise degrading many waterways.A floor vote was expected Wednesday.

Canadian companies face charges for chicken abuse

Meating Place (free registration required) | Posted onDecember 21, 2018 in Agriculture News

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) said two chicken companies face 38 charges alleging abuse of chickens. CFIA conducted an investigation following the release some 18 months ago of an animal activist video shot at Elite Farm Services in Chilliwack, B.C., showing workers abusing chickens in the loading and unloading process.

Iowa company denied permit for large hog farm just over border with Minnesota

Des Moines Register | Posted onDecember 20, 2018 in News

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency said Tuesday it has taken the unusual step of denying denied a permit for a large hog farm proposed for Fillmore County in southeastern Minnesota because of the threat of adding to groundwater nitrate pollution in the geologically porous region. MPCA Commissioner John Linc Stine said at a news conference that he denied the general permit for Waukon, Iowa-based Catalpa Ag's proposed 4,890-sow facility near Mabel because of the threat to public health.

Dairy farm saved by donations pays it forward, prays for better milk prices

Green Bay Press Gazette | Posted onDecember 20, 2018 in Agriculture News

A year ago, Dale and Karen Cihlar faced a bleak Christmas. Their 145-year-old dairy farm was failing and bankruptcy loomed in their future. Fast forward to December, 2018, and the picture is much different  — thanks to the generosity of family, community and people across the nation.The couple's dairy farm dilemma echoes the plight of farmers across the state: Years of stagnant milk prices, growing piles of bills and depleted savings accounts are forcing the demise of dairy farms, small and large.
