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How Rural America Is Saving Itself

City Lab | Posted onDecember 24, 2018 in Rural News

Rural regions dominate the American landscape, comprising 97 percent of the country’s land mass. While 20 percent of Americans live in these regions, many still doubt their importance in the 21st century. A new wave of commentary and reports have tackled a question on many urban Americans’ minds: can rural America be “saved”?

Southwestern US states close to sealing drought deal

Capital Press | Posted onDecember 24, 2018 in SARL Members and Alumni News

Water managers from seven Southwestern states that depend on the Colorado River for drinking and irrigation water are getting closer to finalizing an unprecedented drought contingency plan they may have to enact in 2020, officials said.

California water board backs plan to increase river flows

Capital Press | Posted onDecember 24, 2018 in Agriculture News

A state board on Wednesday approved a contentious proposal to boost water flows through a Central California river, a move that would increase habitat for salmon but deliver less water to farmers and cities such as San Francisco.

Few Wells Tested for Contamination After Major Flooding From Hurricanes

Pew Trust | Posted onDecember 24, 2018 in Rural News

Hundreds of thousands of homes in the Southeast may have had their wells inundated by record-level floodwater resulting from major hurricanes this year, yet only a fraction have been tested for harmful contaminants. That’s because North and South Carolina, Florida and Georgia — like most other states — don’t require routine testing of private wells.

Prosperity takes a detour in La. countryside

Baton Rouge Advocate | Posted onDecember 24, 2018 in Rural News

"While the economy is strong overall, we recognize that some communities have yet to feel the full benefits of the ongoing expansion," Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said.

Elanco Animal Health plans to restructure

Watt AgNet | Posted onDecember 24, 2018 in Agriculture News

Elanco Animal Health is in the process of restructuring, in an effort to streamline its international operations.In a filing with the U.S.

Nine U.S. states seek to stop Trump administration's Atlantic oil testing

Reuters | Posted onDecember 21, 2018 in Energy News

Attorneys general from nine U.S. states sued the Trump administration on Thursday to stop future seismic tests for oil and gas deposits off the East Coast, joining a lawsuit from environmentalists concerned the tests harm whales and dolphins. Seismic testing uses air gun blasts to map out what resources lie beneath the ocean. Conservationists say the testing, a precursor to oil drilling, can disorient marine animals that rely on fine-tuned hearing to navigate and find food.

U.S.D.A. announces G.M.O. labeling standard

Food Business News | Posted onDecember 21, 2018 in Federal News

 “The National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard increases the transparency of our nation’s food system, establishing guidelines for regulated entities on when and how to disclose bioengineered ingredients,” Mr. Perdue said. “This ensures clear information and labeling consistency for consumers about the ingredients in their food.

New rules limiting clean water protections ignore stream science

High Country News | Posted onDecember 21, 2018 in Agriculture, Federal News

The Trump administration announced plans to cut back the number of wetlands and creeks protected under the Clean Water Act, which regulates water pollution in the U.S. The new rules would leave about half the nation’s wetlands and all of its ephemeral streams — those waterways, common in the West, that flow only after rainfall or snowmelt — without federal safeguards.

Lost markets take toll on Idaho dairies

Capital Press | Posted onDecember 21, 2018 in Agriculture News

Efficiencies of scale usually give large dairies an edge in weathering downturns in the market. But that’s not the case for Box Canyon Dairy of Wendell and others in Idaho that have lost their market entirely. Box Canyon is set for a complete herd dispersal sale on Dec. 14.
