HSUS has ruled out a cage-free system they consider unacceptable. Big Dutchman's Natura 60 cage-free system is not acceptable says HSUS. While the Humane Society of the United States generally recognizes this as one possible cage-free system, that hinges on the system actually being used properly—something that may be hard for a producer or retailer to guarantee. Some producers may want to confine birds for longer lay periods in the morning; some may extend “training times” beyond what is actually needed. Other producers (or even barn managers) may choose to never allow the birds free access to the entire barn—which would certainly disqualify the system from being considered cage-free. Even with written guarantees in place, it may be hard to account for all of these variables at the individual barn level. (On the other hand, floor-based cage-free and standard aviary cage-free systems offer no possibility for cage confinement of any kind.)