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Dairy targeted in February, fish in March - meat may be next

As if our country’s dairy producers don’t have enough stress with the current economic situation of the industry, they also had to deal with being the primary target of extreme animal rights activist groups throughout the month of February. Now is the time for the meat industry to review the tactics used against dairy and prepare for its turn in the crosshairs. The primary group declaring war on dairy in February was Direct Action Everywhere. This name should be very familiar if you regularly follow this blog, but for those who need a refresher, Direct Action Everywhere is a network of activists across the country organized into chapters. It describes itself as “a platform, not an organization.” DXE believes in animal liberation and offering animals rights equal to humans. They work to advance that goal through direct action (protests, breaking into farms, stealing animals, disrupting events, etc.). DXE is most active in Berkeley, Calif., and Denver, Colo.  

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