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State Legislative Update, AVMA

Although most state legislatures are currently out of session, a number of state proposals related to animal welfare came forth this month from D.C., Michigan, New York, and Ohio. In Michigan, a new bill would prohibit any person from leaving or confining an animal in an unattended motor vehicle under conditions that endanger the health or well-being of the animal. The District of Columbia proposed a bill that would allow food establishments to permit dogs in outdoor dining areas and unenclosed sidewalk cafes. One of the bills introduced in New York would require a court to consider the best interest of a companion animal when awarding possession, of such animal, in a divorce or separation proceeding. New York lawmakers are also considering a bill that would prohibit any person from misrepresenting a companion animal and defines how a person could commit the crime of misrepresenting an animal. In Ohio, a bill has been put forth that would define what constitutes a “vicious dog” and modify the current definitions of a “dangerous dog” and a “nuisance dog.” This bill would also establish training requirements for dog wardens and deputies that includes 42 hours of initial training and 10 hours of continuing education within a time period established by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission.

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