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Health Insurance and National Farm Policy

Using a mixed-methods approach, we conducted in-depth interviews with up to 10 families in each case study state in 2015–2016 and surveyed randomly sampled producer households in these states in 2017, yielding 1,062 responses. Mixed-methods research that includes both qualitative and quantitative methods offers better crosschecking and triangulation of data (Guba and Lincoln, 1981) and ensures the reliability and validity of analysis (Janesick, 1994). Survey and interview questions focused on healthcare and health insurance access, off-farm work, farm finances and economics, and farm labor. To ensure that our sample was representative of the national farm population, we weighted the sample on reported sales data to match sales proportions reported in the 2012 Census of Agriculture for the national farm population (Table 1). We present both the quantitative and qualitative data and include quotes that reflect common themes expressed by farmers in both the interviews and written survey comments.

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Choices magazine