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Generation Z expresses different attitudes toward ag, farm succession

Members of Generation Z (young men and women aged 18 to 22) with strong ties to agriculture exhibit significantly different attitudes toward government involvement in agriculture, farm succession, ag technology, and brand loyalty than do previous generations, including Baby Boomers and Generations X and Y (representing an age range of 28 to 74). Generation Z members, for instance, have a more positive attitude toward government involvement, less brand loyalty, and more interest in technology, but are much less likely to choose farming as an occupation. For instance, 71 percent of BoomXY parents expect at least one of their children will take over the farm. Only 54 percent of Generation Z respondents indicate a desire to take up farming or ranching as a career. They do plan for careers in agriculture, however.One respondent summed it up: “The reason I do not choose farming as a career is because I need a more steady option and also want a career that does not have such big risk and startup costs.”

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Delta Farm Press