Farming is one of the most stressful occupations in the United States. This is particularly true for dairy farmers as they are experiencing an extended period of low milk prices. In response to the current dairy situation, the Four State Dairy Extension group is hosting three webinars that discuss how to recognize the signs of stress, how to deal with dairy farm families experiencing stress, analyzing a dairy for profits, the profitability of various dairy systems and what the Farm Financial Management Database says about production costs. The webinars will be held at 12 p.m. on July 10, 17 and 24. Presenters include Jim Salfer, University of Minnesota Extension; Larry Tranel, Fred Hall and Jenn Bentley, Iowa State Extension; John Shutske, University of Wisconsin Extension and Phil Cardoso, University of Illinois Extension. The topics discussed in the webinars are: • July 10 – Recognizing and managing stress in dairy farmers, July 17 – Knowing your cost of production and dairy outlook, July 24 – Making production decisions during challenging times.