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Commercial breeders dump dogs amid Ohio’s new ‘puppy mill’ rules

West, a retired truck driver who lives in Champaign County west of Columbus, is part of a volunteer network that rescues unwanted dogs from commercial breeding operations — many in the Amish areas of Holmes, Knox and Coshocton counties — and finds people to adopt them. In recent months, according to one rescue group, the number of dogs has increased markedly, coinciding with Ohio’s stricter regulation of “puppy mills”  “It’s been huge,” said Jamie Runevitch, a Cleveland-area volunteer with Puppy Mill Rescue Team (, a multistate organization that coordinates pickups of dogs with other rescue teams. “We used to do one run a month. Because of increased numbers, we’re doing multiple runs a month.”The increase apparently is a result of a state law that took effect in late September and limited the number of litters a dog can produce in her lifetime to eight






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The Columbus Dispatch