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SARL Members and Alumni

Bill bites down on fake service animals

A state panel heard a bill Monday that sets definitions for service animals, and sets penalties for some people who are stretching the rules in order to bring their pets into stores and restaurants. House Bill 439’s sponsor, Rep. Denley Loge, R-St. Regis, said a lot of people are bending the rules. [node:read-more:link]

On-farm brewery bill approved by Oregon Senate

Agritourism activities currently allowed on Oregon wineries and cideries would be extended to on-farm breweries under a bill approved unanimously by the Senate. Senate Bill 287, which would permit on-farm breweries to make beer, have tasting rooms, serve brewer’s lunches and dinners and hold special events, among other provisions, will now be considered by the House.Sen. Arnie Roblan, D-Coos Bay, cast the bill was a tool for bridging the urban-rural divide in Oregon. [node:read-more:link]

Canada says improving internet and cellphone service in rural areas is a priority

The federal government says improving internet and cellphone service in rural areas is a priority. The Minister of Rural Economic Development, Bernadette Jordan spoke Tuesday at the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities convention in Saskatoon. “It’s a huge issue, it’s an expense if one. there’s no question. But we recognize that internet now is like highways as well because you have to have it in order to grow.”Jordan says the government is in the process of developing a preliminary plan, which should be ready by June. [node:read-more:link]

Representative Wills:He wants to keep fighting for Iowa’s smallest towns

I believe we are facing a critical juncture in our state. Are we going to bury our heads in the sand and ignore the shrinking populations of rural Iowa or are we going to finally put forth serious efforts toward tackling the issue head on? I have been working on a piece of legislation that identifies communities in rural Iowa that don’t need a handout but instead need to be treated fairly. [node:read-more:link]

Illinois Acting state ag director seeks funding for broadband in rural areas

Rural Illinois residents could be a step closer to getting access to high-speed internet access, but state leaders still need to come up with the money and a plan to make it happen. Illinois Department of Agriculture Acting Director John Sullivan sees a need for broadband in the rural parts of Illinois and is working to get funding for it.There is a need to implement rural broadband in the state, said to Rick Holzmacher, director of governmental affairs at the Illinois Rural Broadband Association. He said broadband access could drive the economy. [node:read-more:link]

Why Eating Roadkill Makes Roads Safer for People and Animals

It’s taco night at the Lindskoog household in this suburban community 20 miles west of Boise. Nate Lindskoog has seasoned the red meat sizzling in his cast-iron skillet with a mixture of chili powder and Himalayan pink salt. In a few minutes, he will wrap it in corn tortillas and top it off with lime-soaked avocados. The 36-year-old father of six isn’t making carne asada with meat he bought from a butcher or at the grocery store. [node:read-more:link]

N.Y. lawmakers propose giving teens right to vaccinate without parental consent

New York lawmakers are planning to introduce a bill that would allow children as young as 14 to get vaccinated without their parents' consent. Proposed by Assemblywoman Patricia Fahy and Sen. Liz Krueger, the bill would enable older children to protect themselves from preventable diseases such as measles, meningitis and human papillomavirus in the event their parents opt out of vaccinating them. [node:read-more:link]

Connecticut “Big 6” Ban Passes Committee

Connecticut Sen. Bob Duff’s (D-Norwalk) proposed Senate Bill 20 would ban the import, sale and possession of what he calls “the Big Six” African species; African elephants, lions, leopards, black rhinoceros, white rhinoceros and giraffes. The Joint Committee on Environment voted 24-5, sending the bill to the Senate Floor for a possible vote at any time. [node:read-more:link]


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