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Washington dairies buoyed by ecology’s stance on CAFO permit

The Washington Department of Ecology on Wednesday will propose issuing permits to dairies that could limit federal lawsuits over groundwater pollution, creating a regulatory framework sought by the dairy industry and fought by environmental groups.  “We think this is a good thing,” Washington State Dairy Federation policy director Jay Gordon said. “They (DOE) have done an excellent job of listening. [node:read-more:link]

USDA grant helps military vets start poultry farms

A three-year, $750,000 USDA grant to the University of Arkansas’s poultry science department will aid in funding the Military Veterans Small Farms Outreach Program. The program aims to help military veterans succeed in new poultry, small livestock, and agroforestry enterprises. The long-term goal is to develop and expand on a personalized, comprehensive and integrated educational program that provides military veterans and minority beginning farmers and ranchers with relevant information and practical skills in their new agricultural enterprises. [node:read-more:link]

How Naomi Starkman’s Using Journalism to Change Food Policy

With all the recent hubbub surrounding the food-and-politics website Civil Eats—which raised $100,000 on Kickstarter in 2013 and snagged the James Beard Foundation’s Best Publication Award the next year—it would be easy to mistake editor-in-chief Naomi Starkman for an overnight sensation. Her path to new-media success, however, has been neither short nor narrow. [node:read-more:link]

NOAA: Hot Summer Ahead

Temperature and precipitation conditions in mid-June across the primary crop regions in the United States look similar to the widespread drought year of 2012 when, at the time, there also was little or no concern about drought, a climatologist said.   Brian Fuchs, climatologist at the National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, said as temperatures continue to rise heading into the summer months, climatologists are watching closely for signs of flash drought -- often brought on by a drop in precipitation and increased temperatures and winds. [node:read-more:link]

Universities call for increased funding for ag research

Four prominent ag research universities in the Midwest have joined the call for more federal funds supporting food and ag science. Purdue University, Iowa State University, The University of Nebraska at Lincoln and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have joined the Supporters of Agriculture Research Foundation in seeking more research dollars, saying the growing population has demonstrated a need for sustainable food production. [node:read-more:link]

The Weather-Predicting Tech Behind $62 Billion Monsanto Bid

A self-driving John Deere tractor rumbles through Ian Pigott’s 2,000-acre farm every week or so to spray fertilizer, guided by satellite imagery and each plot’s harvesting history. The 11-ton behemoth, loaded with so many screens it looks like an airplane cockpit, relays the nutrient information to the farmer’s computer system. With weather forecasts and data on pesticide use, soil readings, and plant tissue tests pulled by various pieces of software, Pigott can keep tabs on the farm down to the square meter in real time without ever leaving his carpeted office. [node:read-more:link]

Dead Zones & Drinking Water: an Update on the DMWW Lawsuit

The potential trial on the Des Moines Water Works (DMWW) lawsuit against three drainage districts in Iowa over nitrates in the drinking water has been delayed until June 2017. The lawsuit is currently in the motion stage. The Drainage Districts are seeking summary judgment against DMWW's claims under the Clean Water Act. This article continues the series on water quality issues for farming with a review of the arguments for and against summary judgment. The motion asks for a decision by the judge as a matter of law. [node:read-more:link]

New Genetic Engineering Method Called Promising — And Perilous

A powerful new technique for changing genes in insects, animals and plants holds great promise, according to a report from an influential panel of scientists. But the group also says it's potentially very dangerous. Even so, scientists should continue conducting experiments using this approach inside laboratories, the report urges. And the panel endorsed the possibility of conducting very controlled studies of creatures altered with a gene drive outside laboratories. [node:read-more:link]

Farmers seek attorney fees in Oregon GMO litigation

Farmers who won a lawsuit invalidating a ban of genetically engineered crops in Oregon’s Josephine County are now seeking $29,000 in attorney fees from the ordinance’s supporters.  A state judge struck down the county’s prohibition in May, holding that Oregon law pre-empts local governments from restricting biotech seeds. [node:read-more:link]

Under 40HP Tractors Still the Bright Spot in U.S. Ag Tractor and Combine Sales

It was more of the same in May for U.S. retail sales of ag tractors and combines, with under 40HP tractors leading the way and sales of larger tractors and combines continuing to lag, according to data from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers.  U.S retail sales of farm tractors under 40HP were up 9.4 percent in May 2016 compared to the same time period last year, and up 15.5 percent January through May. [node:read-more:link]


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