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NY Farmworkers Fight to End 80-Year Ban on Unionizing

Contesting New York’s nearly century-long failure to protect farmworkers from wage theft and other labor abuses, an attorney urged a New York appeals court Monday to bring state law out of the Jim Crow era. “The court ruled that farmworkers do not have a constitutional right to organize, despite the very clear language in the New York Constitution giving all employees the right to organize,” said Erin Harrist, senior staff attorney at the New York City Civil Liberties Union. [node:read-more:link]

Bavarians vote to save bugs and birds—and change farming

A coalition of conservation groups has recently called for the world to adopt a goal of protecting 30 percent of the whole planet by 2030 in order to preserve biodiversity. Bavarian supporters of the petition see themselves as pursuing a similar purpose at home—in a state that is the bastion of German political conservatism. [node:read-more:link]

South Dakota House OKs industrial hemp bill despite Noem's call for delay

State representatives overwhelmingly advanced legislation to legalize industrial hemp in South Dakota, just days after Republican Gov. Kristi Noem asked lawmakers to shelve the efforts this session.The 65-2 House vote came after Noem said in a statement that South Dakota isn't ready for the production of industrial hemp, contending questions remain about enforcement, taxpayer costs and effects on public safety. But House Majority Leader Lee Qualm urged support and said it's time to move forward with hemp. [node:read-more:link]

More pets getting stoned on marijuana

Be careful where you stash your weed brownies. The legalization of marijuana in Massachusetts has come with a surge of edible products, giving an alternative to consumers and patients who don’t necessarily want to smoke, vape or take the drug otherwise.But humans are not the only ones drawn to baked goodies, and veterinarians say there’s been a recent spike in the number of emergency room visits by pets who have consumed marijuana products.“We started seeing it a lot when it was first legalized and even more now,” said Dr. Kiko Bracker, a veterinarian at MSPCA-Angell. [node:read-more:link]

Queensland floods: 500,000 cattle die in floods and rain

After seven years of drought, elated cattle farmers in the Australian state of Queensland welcomed the rainstorms heading their way as a blessing.But now, after one of the most devastating deluges in state history, a billion-dollar industry could be left in tatters.Authorities estimate that nearly 500,000 cattle -- worth about $213 million (AU$300 million) -- have been killed by flooding in Queensland's north since the rain began falling late last month, CNN affiliate Seven News reported.The downpours have ended but the cattle carcasses remain, baking in the  [node:read-more:link]

Winter storm in northeast kills 1600 dairy cows

Yakima Valley Dairy Farmers are continuing to prepare as more snow is expected to hit the Valley, they’re adding extra bedding to insulate areas for cows to lay in, adding extra feed, and thawing water troughs with hot water.“Without our employees, there’s no way we, or our cows could survive this storm,” Alyssa Haak , a dairy farmer in Prosser said. “To shield our cows from the wind we stacked straw bales to create a windbreak for our cows. I give a lot of credit to our milk truck drivers, too. [node:read-more:link]

Climate of North American cities will shift hundreds of miles in one generation

In one generation, the climate experienced in many North American cities is projected to change to that of locations hundreds of miles away -- or to a new climate unlike any found in North America today. A new study and interactive web application aim to help the public understand how climate change will impact the lives of people who live in urban areas of the United States and Canada. These new climate analyses match the expected future climate in each city with the current climate of another location, providing a relatable picture of what is likely in store. [node:read-more:link]

Dairy Report: US needs Japan for trade

A new report by Meros Consulting, a Tokyo-based company, for the U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC),  shows that trade deals negotiated by other countries with Japan are hurting U.S. dairy trade access.Japan is the fourth largest dairy export destination for U.S. dairy products. The new trade agreements with Australia, New Zealand and the European Union could deprive the U.S. of $5.4 billion in sales over the next 21 years as these agreements fully mature, estimates Meros. [node:read-more:link]

Farmers face rising costs in ongoing trade war

Washington farmers can expect a tougher year covering expenses even if political leaders finalize trade agreements with the countries that import apples, beef and wheat from the Evergreen State, a Washington State University professor said.Randy Fortenbery spoke at length about the troubling overall picture of the forces grinding against what has been a robust U.S. economy."I think commodity prices, except for sorghum, are going to be a little bit better than last year. But we are talking dimes not dollars," Fortenbery said. [node:read-more:link]


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