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Genetically Engineered Insects Next For Agriculture?

Want to crash an insect population? Slip in a self-limiting gene and topple the family tree in two to three generations. The promise of biotech mosquitoes to combat the pest that spreads Zika, dengue and yellow fever grabs the headlines, but just off center stage, the same technology utilizing genetically engineered (GE) insects is being tested on U.S. farmland. [node:read-more:link]

EPA nixes bid to herd livestock under Clean Air Act

The Environmental Protection Agency announced Tuesday it has denied a petition by environmental groups to regulate concentrated animal feeding operations like factories under the Clean Air Act. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, in a letter to petitioners, acknowledged livestock are potential sources of air pollutants. The agency, however, doesn’t have a reliable method for estimating animal emissions. Until it does, new rules could be unjustified and ineffective, according to Pruitt. [node:read-more:link]

Cargill looking to mentor farm-to-fork tech startups

An initiative backed by agricultural giant Cargill aims to fund and mentor startup companies focused on technologies that support the growing farm-to-fork trend, according to a press release about the effort. The Minnesota-based Farm to Fork Accelerator, co-funded by Ecolab and Cargill in partnership with venture capital firm Techstars, will focus on agriculture, food-related digital technology, food processing and food safety. [node:read-more:link]

The changing face of Kansas agriculture a diverse community

he promotion of greater diversification and biodiversity in farming and food systems has long been a major goal of the Kansas Rural Center. Diversity in people, cultures and ideas, and a small but growing number of foreign-born immigrants, are also changing the state’s demographics. According to the Pew Research Center, two percent of Kansas’ population in 1980 were foreign-born residents; by 2012, that number had grown to six-and-a-half percent. [node:read-more:link]


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