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Missouri Attorney General defends states’ sovereign, economic interests

California imposes its poultry cage rules on states hoping to sell to California consumers. In requesting the U.S. Supreme Court to accept its complaint in the California cage size case, Missouri’s Attorney General states, “Unless this Court acts, California will continue to impose new agricultural regulations on other states in violation of federal law and those States’ sovereign, quasi-sovereign, and economic interests…”. [node:read-more:link]

Tackling cage-free layer housing air quality challenges

Giving laying hens access to a litter area for dustbathing, scratching and foraging helps minimize aggressive behavior, but it can result in dust and ammonia problems. Dust, which can serve as a carrier of microorganisms and endotoxins, is a significant health risk for both farm workers and the birds as fine particulate matter can enter into the respiratory system. Ammonia, likewise, can cause respiratory tract irritation or damage. Recent studies have shown that cage-free housing results in six to nine times higher dust in the house environment than cage systems with manure belts. [node:read-more:link]

Do engagements, natural environments help broiler welfare?

Conventional thinking surrounding animal welfare suggests creating an environment more similar to the nature leads to happier birds and better performance. But are the environmental enrichments and changes currently used in the broiler industry really helping?  hepard said he was optimistic about the use of engagements at Wayne Farms. Ninety percent of what the company does in the name of animal welfare – including the engagements – comes back in the form of profits. The other 10 percent, he said, is done because it’s the right thing for the bird. [node:read-more:link]

HSUS Abandons Arizona Campaign

HSUS’s front group, Arizonans for Wildlife, quietly put out a statement that it is suspending its campaign this year to place a measure on the ballot in Arizona to ban hunting of predators such as mountain lions. The measure likely would have faced significant opposition from professional wildlife biologists. Hunting is an important tool for managing wildlife populations, and HSUS doesn’t offer any realistic alternative to managed hunting. [node:read-more:link]

Ohio EPA addressing river nutrients

With the expectation that new water quality rules are coming to Ohio’s large rivers, the Ohio EPA is holding informational meetings to discuss the indicators of polluted rivers, and potential targets for nutrient loading. In March, the Ohio EPA released a draft report of the state’s latest list of impaired water bodies, which included the western basin of the open waters of Lake Erie. The state has battled water quality concerns over the past decade related to harmful algal blooms in the lake, and nutrient overloading in its rivers. [node:read-more:link]

Remnants of antibiotics persist in treated farm waste

Each year, farmers in the US purchase tens of millions of pounds of antibiotics approved for use in cows, pigs, fowl and other livestock. When the animals' manure is repurposed as fertilizer or bedding, traces of the medicines leach into the environment, raising concerns about how agriculture contributes to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. New research holds troublesome insights with regard to the scope of this problem. [node:read-more:link]

Ag Community Relief sending materials to help OK wildfire victims

The time has come that our friends in Oklahoma are in need of assistance. Ag Community Relief will have a semi and an enclosed trailer leaving Wednesday, April 18th to deliver goods. If anyone has even just a couple round bales to help fill the semi or fencing and feed materials to fill the enclosed trailer please contact Eddie Fahley (810) 304-4651 or Matt Schaller (810) 614-0968. [node:read-more:link]

PA preserves 27 farms throughout state

Pennsylvania’s Agricultural Land Preservation Board has safeguarded 27 farms throughout the state, State Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding announced. Three of the 27 farms are in Lancaster County while two others reside in Lebanon and York counties. [node:read-more:link]

Dairy Farmers of America breaks ground on retail store in Utah

Dairy Farmers of America (DFA), a national cooperative owned by family farmers, broke ground this week for the construction of a new retail store, The Creamery, in Beaver, Utah, which will replace the existing cheese store currently on the site of DFA’s Beaver City processing plant. Slated for opening in late 2018, the new 11,250 sq. ft. store will be more than four times the size of the original cheese store and will feature expanded retail space, greater product selection and an interactive, educational experience about dairy for visitors. [node:read-more:link]


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