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12 poultry farm biosecurity principles you should know

Watt Ag Net | Posted onAugust 22, 2016 in Agriculture News

Every farmer should ask if their biosecurity plan is strong enough. The most important part of any biosecurity plan is having the right attitude, according to Dr. Gregory Martin, educator and extension specialist at Pennsylvania State University Cooperative Extension. Having all the correct precautions in place doesn't do any good if workers and managers don’t follow the rules.

Agriculture commissioner on Louisiana floods, expectations

Delta Farm Press | Posted onAugust 22, 2016 in Agriculture News

floodwaters continued to shift, causing fresh misery for Louisianans and state officials trying to get a handle on a lengthening list of concerns.  “Flooding has no discretion as it affects everyone in all aspects,” says Mike Strain, Louisiana Agriculture and Forestry (LDAF) Commissioner. “I’m very proud of the team – the LDAF, the governor’s office, Homeland Security, everyone working together. We’re trying to stay abreast and keep up with the moving problems.

Deere Cutting Output as Farm Slump Continues

Wall Street Journal | Posted onAugust 22, 2016 in Agriculture News

Deere & Co.

Finney: I fouled up nitrates column

Des Moines Register | Posted onAugust 19, 2016 in Agriculture News

Let’s revisit a column I wrote earlier this month about Douglas and Kathleen Redhead. They’re the Des Moines couple who stopped paddling their canoe on the the Racoon River because of hteir concern about nitrates.  I see those stacked paragraphs as flawed. The Redheads’ fear about nitrates was legitimate insofar as it is how they actually feel about the river.

The West’s ‘new normal’: Another long season of volatile wildfires

High Country News | Posted onAugust 18, 2016 in News

The morning of July 23, the city of Los Angeles was covered in a dusting of ash. An apocalyptic haze muted the sun, and the sky was an eerie, unnatural pink. Just a day before, a wildfire had broken out on private land 30 miles northwest, near Santa Clarita. Within 24 hours, the Sand Fire scorched 20,000 acres, and in a week, it burned another 21,000 acres.

How a police chief used compassion to combat his community’s drug problem

High Country News | Posted onAugust 18, 2016 in Rural News

The message from the chief lit up Facebook in May 2015. “Any addict who walks into the police station with the remainder of their drug equipment (needles, etc) or drugs and asks for help will NOT be charged,” read the memo, posted to the page of the Gloucester, Massachusetts, police department. “Instead we will walk them through the system toward detox and recovery,” the message continued.

HSUS is going after chicken

Meatingplace (registration required) | Posted onAugust 18, 2016 in Agriculture News

It seems that HSUS has sent a letter to many CEOs of broiler companies with language noting their victories with layers and swine as well as their intent to now focus on the broiler industry.

Bringing Back Manufacturing Jobs Would Be Harder Than It Sounds

NPR | Posted onAugust 18, 2016 in Rural News

he United States has lost nearly 5 million manufacturing jobs since 2000 alone, hollowing out factory towns all over the country and leaving countless working-class Americans struggling.  Getting those jobs back is a goal that politicians of all stripes eagerly line up behind. But the plain truth is that, legally speaking, there's not a lot that Trump or any other president could do to bring those jobs back, without an act of Congress.

Farm children safer, but die too often in accidents

USA Today | Posted onAugust 18, 2016 in Rural News

Weichelt is among the researchers at the forefront of monitoring injuries and deaths among children related to farming and agriculture at the National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety. The 2016 report from the center released in July shows that children on farms are much safer from nonfatal injuries today than they were 18 years ago, but not any safer from fatal ones. Every three days, a child dies in an agriculture-related incident, Weichelt said.

Rural Mainstreet Economy Weakens in July: High Share of Crop Farmers with 2016 Negative Cash Flow

Creighton University Economic Outlook | Posted onAugust 18, 2016 in Agriculture News

Survey Results at a Glance: • For an 11th straight month, the Rural Mainstreet Index fell below growth neutral. • Farmland prices remained below growth neutral for the 32nd straight month. • Bank CEOs reported a 6 percent decline in farmland prices over the past year. Bankers expect cash expenses will exceed cash revenues for one in five crop farmers in the region. • Bank CEOs expect farm loan defaults to grow by 5.4 percent over the next year.
