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New Farm Bill includes crop insurance updates

Wisconsin State Farmer | Posted onFebruary 28, 2019 in Federal News

With the 2019 sign-up deadline arriving on March 15, refinements in federal crop insurance from the new Farm Bill were outlined for farmers at the 2019 series of update meetings sponsored by Premier Insurance Solutions LLC.  A policy change for 2019 allows insured farmers to change their elections on the Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Risk Coverage (PLC) indemnities for both this year and 2020 and then be able to switch between them in each following year.  Those who choose PLC may be able to update their crop base acres and yields.The fee for catastrophic insurance has been rai

U.S. farm debt soars to levels seen during 1980s farm crisis: Agriculture secretary

Reuters | Posted onFebruary 28, 2019 in Agriculture News

The amount of debt held by America’s farmers has risen rapidly to 1980s-levels at $409 billion from $385 billion last year, with loan demand remaining “historically high,” U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said. The figures reflect a level of strain on the U.S.

The 2019 Outlook for U.S. Agriculture From USDA’s Chief Economist

Farm Policy News | Posted onFebruary 27, 2019 in Federal News

Speaking on Thursday at USDA’s Agricultural Outlook Forum in Arlington, Virginia, USDA Chief Economist Robert C. Johansson provided a broad outlook for U.S. agriculture.  Today’s update provides an overview of key aspects of Dr. Johansson’s presentation. In his speech Dr. Johansson noted that, “A growing U.S. economy helps farm household income, but falling commodity prices in recent years for a host of reasons have weighed on farm income. Over the past couple of years the dramatic fall in net farm income in 2015 and 2016 seems to be leveling out at a lower level.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz proposes $1.3 billion in infrastructure projects

Minnesota Star Tribune | Posted onFebruary 27, 2019 in SARL Members and Alumni News

Minnesota should borrow nearly $1.3 billion to repair college campus buildings, create more affordable housing and fix roads, bridges and other infrastructure, Gov. Tim Walz said. While many pieces of Walz’s plan have widespread appeal, Republicans legislators said this is not the year for a large borrowing package. State lawmakers typically pass a bonding bill in even-numbered years.

Bill would eliminate 'high-value' status for cranberries

Capital Press | Posted onFebruary 27, 2019 in Agriculture News

Economic troubles in the cranberry industry have spurred a proposal to reduce the difficulty of building dwellings on Oregon farmland dedicated to the crop.

Sheep industry requests research on not grazing

Capital Press | Posted onFebruary 27, 2019 in Agriculture News

The American Sheep Industry Association is hoping proposed research will show the beneficial effects of grazing on range and forest health. The organization has sent a letter to the U.S.

The 2018 Farm Bill: Refinancing the Rural Community, Reinvigorating Growth

NYC Food Policy | Posted onFebruary 27, 2019 in Federal, Rural News

Called in full the Rural Infrastructure and Economic Development title, Title VI of the Bill covers rural development policies and programs across the U.S. Broadly, these policies are intended to support rural growth and economic sustainability for food suppliers and distributors in non-urban areas. Its two primary policies are: The Rural Development Act (RDA), which provides grants and loans to rural businesses and organizations that are trying to improve their health, community, and economy.

Amazon’s got milk

The Quartz | Posted onFebruary 27, 2019 in Food News

Amazon is getting into the milk business through privately owned brand Happy Belly. The Happy Belly dairy items, spotted by brand tracker TJI, include various kinds of lactose-free milk (1%, 2%, whole, fat free), half and half, and whipping cream. “If you like Lactaid, we invite you to try Happy Belly,” reads a description on a product page, which also identifies Happy Belly as “an Amazon brand.”The prices compare favorably to Lactaid. A half gallon of Happy Belly 2% reduced fat milk, for example, is currently priced at $3.29.

Manufacturing Skills Gap: Myth, Or Real Threat To Competitiveness?

Forbes | Posted onFebruary 27, 2019 in Agriculture News

During the early stages of the recovery, the skills gap in manufacturing emerged as a dispiriting paradox: with millions of people still out of work, manufacturers complained that thousands of positions remained unfilled for lack of qualified candidates. The anecdotal evidence was supported by a widening gap between job openings and new hires.The concern was that a misalignment between the skills needed by employers and those available in the workforce would hold back employment growth.Fast-forward to today and that concern seems ill-founded: The U.S.

Grain Free Pet Foods Disease Link Needs Research

Pet Food Industry | Posted onFebruary 27, 2019 in Food News

The investigation into a possible link between some ingredients in grain-free pet foods and atypical cases of canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), announced by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in July 2018, has caused no small amount of concern for pet food companies, pet owners, veterinarians and retailers. One of the main reasons, and a continuing source of confusion and frustration, is that so little is still known about why these cases of DCM have occurred and what role, if any, the foods the dogs were eating played.
