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Enviro group says Interior hid gaps in ANWR science

Alaska Public Radio | Posted onMarch 14, 2019 in Energy News

An environmental group has published 18 leaked memos by government scientists that outline gaps in knowledge about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The group claims the information should have been included in the Bureau of Land Management’s report on possible impacts from oil and gas leasing in the refuge.

Iowa, Minnesota lawmakers look to electric vehicles to plug road budgets

Energy News Network | Posted onMarch 14, 2019 in Energy News

As gas tax revenue declines, proposals would raise or create new fees for hybrids and electric vehicles.Frustrated with falling gas tax revenue, lawmakers in Iowa and Minnesota are looking to drivers of plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles to help fill budget gaps.In Minnesota, a bill by Republican state Sen.

Observations on the Ag Economy- February 2019

Farm Policy News | Posted onMarch 14, 2019 in Agriculture News

Sixth District- Atlanta– “Agricultural conditions across the District were mixed. Recent reports showed that most of the District was drought-free, with the exception of small areas in south Florida and coastal Louisiana where conditions were abnormally dry.  The February forecast for Florida’s orange crops was unchanged from the previous month but remained significantly ahead of last year’s production.

USDA says dairy cows down, but not milk production

Brownfield | Posted onMarch 14, 2019 in Agriculture News

The USDA says 2018 milk production was up on the year and during January with seven percent fewer dairy farms.

Dairy pulls together to support family farmers

Wisconsin Farmers | Posted onMarch 14, 2019 in Agriculture News

The current state of the U.S. dairy economy is putting family farms out of business. Over the last 10 years, the U.S. Department of Agriculture recorded the loss of roughly 17,000 dairy herds, cutting the total number of U.S herds by nearly one third.

Some Anti-Vaxxers Aren't Getting Their Pets Vaccinated.

Time | Posted onMarch 14, 2019 in Rural News

Dogs can’t get autism, and even if they could, vaccines couldn’t cause it. But some anti-vaxxers are increasingly making the same unfounded claims about pets and vaccines they’ve been repeating about children and vaccines for the past 20 years: that vaccines are unnecessary, dangerous and that they can cause a form of (canine) autism, along with other diseases. Just as with kids, that may be driving down pet vaccination rates.

Eating livestock feed killed dogs found on Lockport roadside

The Buffalo News | Posted onMarch 14, 2019 in Rural News

Two dogs found dead on the side of Wilson Road in Lockport died from eating livestock feed, Niagara County Sheriff's Office Capt. Bruce Elliott said Thursday. Toxicology tests were done by the Michigan State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory."They died from a feed pellet that's usually used for livestock. They can be harmful to domestic animals when ingested in large quantities," Elliott said.A necropsy Jan.

North Carolina bill would legalize retail raw milk sales, exempt smallest herds from safety regs

Food Safety News | Posted onMarch 14, 2019 in Food News

Following what a raw milk producer described as a visit during which she “met our cows,” State Rep. Michele Presnell introduced a bill in North Carolina to allow retail sales of unpasteurized milk in the state. The proposed measure, House Bill 103, would require warning labels for raw milk available at retail locations, but it would exempt some dairies from sanitary regulations.

US Hits Record-High Ethanol Exports in 2018

DTN | Posted onMarch 13, 2019 in Energy News

As political battles persisted on federal biofuels policy throughout 2018, ethanol producers in the United States exported a record number of gallons, according to the latest data from the USDA, U.S. Census Bureau, and U.S. Department of Commerce. New data released on Wednesday shows U.S. ethanol exports eclipsed the previous record set in 2017 by 25% to 1.7 billion gallons. The U.S. exported ethanol to more than 80 countries. Nearly 11% of total U.S. ethanol production was exported last year.Brazil was the leading U.S. export destination at 513.2 million gallons, or 30% of the total.

Coal power stations disrupt rainfall: Global study

Science Daily | Posted onMarch 13, 2019 in Energy News

Modern coal-fired power stations produce more ultrafine dust particles than road traffic and can even modify and redistribute rainfall patterns, a new 15-year international study shows. The study indicates filtration systems on modern coal-fired power stations are the biggest source of ultrafine particles and can have considerable impacts on climate in several ways.
