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Iowa Officials Question Corps Communication as River Destruction Increases

DTN | Posted onMarch 20, 2019 in SARL Members and Alumni News

Exasperated local officials told Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds on Monday about lost farms and businesses due to flooding, ongoing river breaches, the need for higher levees and their concern about a lack of information from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Flooding over the weekend in the Missouri River Basin quickly became more destructive than flooding the region faced in the spring and summer of 2011. Levees that held back the river eight years ago collapsed and were undermined by heavy water coming from multiple rivers.

Solar Jobs By State 2018

The Solar Foundation | Posted onMarch 20, 2019 in Energy News

The National Solar Jobs 2018 tracks solar employment nationwide and state by state. Below is complete information on solar jobs for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico in 2018.

Frustrated rural communities fight for lane on information highway

WKTV | Posted onMarch 20, 2019 in Rural News

There is growing frustration among some living in rural areas, who find themselves fighting for a lane on the information highway. "Numerous times we're booted off. It's hard to navigate the internet if you have more than one person on, and with three kids and a wife who's an educator, it's very difficult to use the internet sufficiently," says David Poyer, of Deansboro.

An Office of Rural Broadband: We’ve Heard This Before

Benton | Posted onMarch 20, 2019 in Rural News

On February 12, 2019 Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) introduced S.454 – The Office of Rural Broadband Act in the Senate. Co-sponsored by Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), John Hoeven (R-ND) and Ron Wyden (D-OR), the bill would establish an Office of Rural Broadband in the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The bill has now been referred to the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee.

The Dairy Crisis is Hurting Organic and Grassfed Farms in New York

Civil Eats | Posted onMarch 20, 2019 in Agriculture News

On January 17, more than 30 organic dairy farmers—most of whom sell their milk to Organic Valley or Maple Hill—gathered at a farm near Syracuse, New York. The “emergency meeting” was called without the processors’ knowledge, and attendees discussed who had lost contracts, who had seen trucks from Texas hauling in cheap organic milk, and falling prices. “The reason we had it was just to keep each other informed,” said Dave Nichols, a grassfed organic dairy farmer who sells to Maple Hill. “None of us really knew what was going on on the other side of the fence.

Iowa's new 'ag gag' law sparks travel boycott, possible legal challenge

Des Moines Register | Posted onMarch 20, 2019 in Agriculture, SARL Members and Alumni News

A national animal rights group will ask millions of its supporters to boycott vacationing in Iowa to protest the state's new "ag gag" law. "People who care about animal rights, who don't want abusers protected, won't be visiting Iowa," said David Matulewicz-Crowley, legal advocacy counsel for Mercy For Animals.Animal welfare groups say the law prevents exposure of abuses, such as slamming piglets into concrete floors and confining animals in small cages.Gov.

Canada hiring more meat-sniffing dogs amid African Swine Fever outbreak

ipolitics | Posted onMarch 20, 2019 in Food, SARL Members and Alumni News

The Canadian government is investing up to $31 million to increase the number of meat-sniffing dogs in its employ as Canada’s pork industry remain on edge about a global outbreak of a deadly pork virus called African Swine Fever.

California officials focus on forest management after fires

Capital Press | Posted onMarch 20, 2019 in SARL Members and Alumni News

After successive years of devastating wildfires, California's fire agency announced a plan Tuesday that would dramatically increase the removal of dead trees and other forest management efforts with the help of the National Guard. The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection released a list of 35 priority fuel-reduction projects it wants to start immediately across the state over roughly 90,000 acres.

New Mexico tornado damages dairy farms

Edairy News | Posted onMarch 20, 2019 in Agriculture News

A tornado in New Mexico that damaged homes and injured people also hit several dairies, forcing at least one farm to euthanize more than 150 cattle.

Human activity impacts a quarter of the world’s threatened species

New Scientist | Posted onMarch 20, 2019 in Rural News

A quarter of vulnerable vertebrate species are affected by human-made threats to over 90 per cent of their habitat, and approximately 7 per cent are affected by human activity across their entire range. “These species will decline and possibly die out in the impacted parts of their habitat without conservation action. Completely impacted species will almost certainly face extinction,” says James Allan at the University of Queensland in Australia.Allan and his colleagues mapped the habitats of 5457 threatened terrestrial birds, mammals and amphibians around the world.
