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Farm Bill Won't Come up in House in '17

DTN | Posted onNovember 9, 2017 in Federal News

Tax reform and federal budget issues in the final two months of the year will keep the House Agriculture Committee from advancing a farm bill until early next year.

Vibrant ag economy helps urban areas, planner says

Capital Press | Posted onNovember 9, 2017 in Rural News

If growers near cities work with local planners so land-use and transportation decisions will help maximize the farms’ profitability, the result will be an improved economy for the region, an official said during a conference.

China’s details pork, beef buy from Smithfield, Cross Four Ranch

Meatingplace (free registration required) | Posted onNovember 9, 2017 in Agriculture, Food News

Chinese e-commerce firm announced it has signed a deal to import over $1.2 billion of U.S. beef and pork over three years. In a big win for Montana beef producers, the agreement includes a minimum commitment of $200 million in beef to be imported by JD from Cross Four Ranch and Montana Stockgkrowers Association members at fair market value over three years. It is estimated that JD’s purchase of Cross Four Ranch and MSGA beef will increase Montana beef export sales by as much as 40 percent in 2018.

Practicing the small town art of participation

Daily Yonder | Posted onNovember 9, 2017 in Rural News

A new generation of young people is returning to rural areas to immerse themselves in the difficult and rewarding work of being part of a community. Maybe rural America has something to teach the rest of the country on that score.

Foreign born resident account for most of rural population growth

Daily Yonder | Posted onNovember 9, 2017 in Rural News

In a period of very low population growth, an increase in the number of rural residents who were born in foreign countries helped keep the non-urban population stable from 2010 to 2015.  Rural America showed almost no population growth during the first half of this decade. But the little growth that did occur outside the nation’s metropolitan areas came from an increase in foreign-born residents.Rural counties added 161,000 residents from 2010-15, according to Census population figures.

Forest Bonds may provide a way to support fire prevention

Daily Yonder | Posted onNovember 9, 2017 in Rural, SARL Members and Alumni News

Managing public forests in ways that prevent wildfires could save millions of dollars in future fire-emergency costs. But restoring forests is expensive, and limited public budgets emphasize short-term disaster spending rather than long-term management.

Illinois House, Senate energy panels discuss Dynegy 'bailout' request

The News Gazette | Posted onNovember 9, 2017 in Energy, SARL Members and Alumni News

Opponents referred to a package of bills to benefit Texas-based energy company Dynegy Inc. as a "multimillion-dollar state of Illinois bailout" and urged Illinois lawmakers to act cautiously on the proposals. Meeting jointly Tuesday, the Senate and House energy committees took no votes on the bills drafted to benefit Dynegy, which operates eight coal-fired power plants in central and southern Illinois.

As solar booms in Michigan, townships tackle land use questions

Midwest Energy News | Posted onNovember 9, 2017 in Energy News

With the declining costs of solar energy and Michigan’s increased renewable portfolio standard, small townships throughout the state are confronting challenging land-use questions amid the increase in large-scale solar proposals. Reactions have varied from blocking utility-scale solar projects until local zoning rules are adopted to accommodating developers as they amass land for projects that require hundreds of acres.But in most of these cases, there were no local regulations permitting large-scale solar projects when developers came.

USDA Chief Scientist Statement on WHO Guidelines on Antibiotics

USDA | Posted onNovember 9, 2017 in Agriculture, Federal News

The World Health Organization (WHO) has released recommendations regarding the use of antibiotics in agriculture. Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young, USDA Acting Chief Scientist, today issued the following statement: “The WHO guidelines are not in alignment with U.S. policy and are not supported by sound science. The recommendations erroneously conflate disease prevention with growth promotion in animals."“The WHO previously requested that the standards for on-farm antibiotic use in animals be updated through a transparent, consensus, science-based process of CODEX.

Syngenta's property being repurposed in Alexandria

Exome | Posted onNovember 9, 2017 in Agriculture News

Alexandria is currently remodeling the former Syngenta site into what will become the Alexandria Center for Agtech. Boragen is the first tenant. Dombrosky says tests of its lead boron-based fungicide candidate in crops such as corn and soybean have laid the groundwork for field trials set to begin in South America this winter. By the second quarter of next year, Dombrosky expects to begin talking with agriculture companies that may be interested in partnering with the startup.
