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Group tied to shadowy network created $93T estimate

Environmental News Network | Posted onApril 1, 2019 in Energy News

What's in a number? When it comes to the $93 trillion estimate for the Green New Deal, the answer is found in a network of interlinked groups: a think tank, its political arm and a super political action committee.

Diminished Optimism in the Corn Belt

Farm Policy News | Posted onApril 1, 2019 in Agriculture News

Flooding and gloomy price prospects for corn and soybeans are diminishing optimism in the Corn Belt as spring planting nears.  Recent news articles continue to discuss the ongoing negative impacts of Midwestern floods on an already battered farm economy.  Meanwhile, corn and soybean prices fell on Friday after the U.S. Department of Agriculture released data relating to prospective planting intentions and grain stocks.

How eating vegan became a billion-dollar business

Christian Science Monitor | Posted onApril 1, 2019 in Food News

Meat consumption continues to grow worldwide, but so does the number of people considering, carefully, the ethics of eating any product derived from animals.You don’t need to store your grill in the garage just yet. Meat consumption continues to grow worldwide – especially in emerging economies like China. And strict vegans still comprise a fraction of the population in rich countries: just 2.3 percent in Canada, and 3 percent in the United States.

'Impossible' meatless patty gets Burger King Whopper test

Reuters | Posted onApril 1, 2019 in Food News

Vegetarian burgers may finally be getting the recognition they need to go mainstream. On Monday Burger King and Silicon Valley startup Impossible Foods announced the rollout of the Impossible Whopper in 59 stores in and around St. Louis, Missouri.

Minnesota farmer losing sons and farm in immigration battle

KARE | Posted onApril 1, 2019 in Agriculture News

Spring should be a time of promise, but the Mulder Dairy is clouded by doom. “Pretty depressing topic to talk about so I don't really bring it up a whole lot,” Kelsey Mulder said as he milked his father’s herd of 170 Holstein cows.Mulder is counting the days until the United States of America – the only country he's ever known - forces him to leave.Eighteen years ago, Kor Mulder and his former wife brought their two sons - ages two and three - from their native Holland to the open spaces of western Minnesota to start a dairy farm.Back home, land was scarce - while regulations were many.

More than 1 million acres of U.S. cropland ravaged by floods

Reuters | Posted onApril 1, 2019 in Agriculture News

At least 1 million acres (405,000 hectares) of U.S. farmland were flooded after the “bomb cyclone” storm left wide swaths of nine major grain producing states under water this month.

Farmers, banker, researcher explain economics of milking cows

AP News | Posted onApril 1, 2019 in Agriculture News

From Marin Bozic’s perspective, there are three ways to fix the dairy industry: Americans need to consume more cheese and milk, the county’s exports of milk need to grow, or, frankly, dairy farmers need to milk  fewer cows.Bozic, an assistant professor of applied economics who studies dairy foods marketing and economics at the University of Minnesota, said dairies have been economically upside down for the past five years, and there are plenty of macro-level reasons why.For starters, he said, “In the United States, productivity per cow is growing faster than population size."Each year, dair

Midwest flooding hits hard

Daily Yonder | Posted onApril 1, 2019 in Agriculture News

As floodwaters recede in the first areas hit by flooding in the Midwest, residents are eager to start cleanup. For farmers, the damage comes when livestock is vulnerable and the ag market is soft. The damage to local infrastructure and agricultural operations is enormous. “It has hit our government infrastructure hard. Dams, roads, levees, bridges have been impacted. Property damage, livestock losses, it’s pretty staggering. The Spencer Dam collapsed.

‘Breaches Everywhere’: Flooding Bursts Midwest Levees, and Tough Questions Follow

The New York Times | Posted onApril 1, 2019 in Agriculture News

The widespread, severe flooding in the Midwest over the last month has exposed the vulnerabilities in a levee system that is now so full of holes that many here ruefully describe it as “Swiss cheese.” With dozens of costly breaks across Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri and nearby states, the surging waters have left large areas without even cursory flood protection.“Breaches everywhere: multiple, multiple breaches,” said Tom Bullock, the top elected official in Holt County, Mo., where crews were rushing last week to patch a leaking levee that, if it failed completely, would flood the small town of

FDA Announces Enforcement Discretion of the Produce Safety Rule

Ag New West | Posted onApril 1, 2019 in Federal News

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