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Goldman Sachs Invests $65 Million in Pea Milk Startup

Bloomberg | Posted onJanuary 30, 2018 in Food News

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. participated in a $65 million investment in Ripple Foods Inc., a little-known beverage company that makes a milk-like drink from yellow peas.

U study: Wetlands key to keeping harmful nitrates out of waters

Minnesota Public Radio | Posted onJanuary 30, 2018 in News

A new University of Minnesota study found wetlands are providing a significant water quality benefit by keeping nitrates from crop fertilizer out of rivers. The study from the U's St.

Veterinarians talk new opioid prescription regulation for pets

WECT | Posted onJanuary 30, 2018 in Rural News

Under North Carolina's STOP Act, doctors across the state are changing the way they prescribe opioids. According to Associate Doctor Kara Duffy with Atlantic Animal Hospital, veterinarians are now following suit.

Interior cancels decades-old protections for migratory birds

High Country News | Posted onJanuary 30, 2018 in Rural News

one recent action by the Interior Department drew unprecedented protest from a bipartisan group of top officials who go all the way back to the Nixon administration: a new legal opinion that attempts to legalize the unintentional killing of most migratory birds. Under the new interpretation, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act forbids only intentional killing – such as hunting or killing birds to get their feathers – without a permit. The administration will no longer apply the act to industries that inadvertently kill a lot of birds through oil drilling, wind power and communications towers.

Science Over Fiction: GMOs for Public Good

Devex | Posted onJanuary 30, 2018 in Agriculture News

Today, as technology is becoming more accessible and less expensive, smaller labs and researchers are able to produce GMOs at a reduced costs — with the seed produced available for public good, not profit. And this allows them to respond to small, localized food production issues such as bananas in Uganda and papaya in Hawaii.  For the development sector — where the impact of lost local crops can mean loss of income, increased poverty and loss of culture — does “public good” GMO change the debate?

Australia set to reform how it regulates genetic engineering

ABC News | Posted onJanuary 30, 2018 in Agriculture News

The changes will enable agricultural scientists to breed higher yielding crops faster and cheaper, or ones resistant to drought and disease.

USDA releases it's 2018 farm bill principles

USDA | Posted onJanuary 30, 2018 in Federal News

The summary of principles are largely broad in scope and would leave much of the nuts and bolts of a farm bill up to Congress. USDA wants a "fiscally responsible" farm bill that reflects the Trump Administration's budget goals. USDA also wants to reduce the regulatory burdens on USDA customers as well. Perdue said the principles come after traveling to more than 30 states to hear from people in agriculture.USDA's farm bill concepts call for "a farm safety net that helps American farmers weather times of economic stress without distorting markets or increasing shallow loss payments."

Canada’s dairy farmers say they’ve had enough and won’t give up any more ground in NAFTA renegotiations

edairynews | Posted onJanuary 30, 2018 in Agriculture News

Canada’s dairy industry says it shouldn’t bear any additional hardship in NAFTA talks after having been forced to give up so much in past trade deals. If the United States wants increased access to Canada, it should rejoin the Trans-Pacific Partnership that granted a 3.25 per cent quota that was expected to be filled mainly by the U.S., said Dairy Farmers of Ontario CEO Graham Lloyd.“The TPP is the vehicle that they should be going to,” he said in an interview Wednesday.

New bill would set up rural broadband task force

Agri-Pulse | Posted onJanuary 30, 2018 in Rural News

A new bill introduced in the House and Senate would support efforts to advance rural broadband and precision agriculture across the country. The Precision Agriculture Connectivity Act of 2018 would require the Federal Communications Commission to set up a task force to evaluate the effectiveness of existing rural broadband programs, identify gaps in coverage, and develop policy recommendations to address those gaps.The task force also would have to come up with specific actions the FCC, USDA and other agencies can take to fill the coverage gaps.

Walker Proposes $50M In Rural Economic Development

Wisconsin Public Radio | Posted onJanuary 30, 2018 in Rural, SARL Members and Alumni News

Gov. Scott Walker is proposing a new $50 million annual investment in rural economic development projects.
