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How will USDA decision on media access affect farmers?

The Progressive Farmer | Posted onJuly 24, 2018 in Federal News

There are a handful of tenets to good journalism: Always seek the truth. Never proclaim something as true without corroboration from multiple sources. Serve readers first. Keep yourself, the journalist, out of the story. That last one has unfortunately become impossible for us at DTN in relation to the July 11 announcement that USDA will end the century-old process of media access to its report.To be clear, we at DTN have a dog in this fight.

2.5 billion pounds of meat piles up in U.S. as production grows, exports slow

Wall Street Journal | Posted onJuly 24, 2018 in Agriculture News

Meat is piling up in U.S. cold-storage warehouses, fueled by a surge in supplies and trade disputes that are eroding demand. Federal data, coming as early as Monday, are expected to show a record level of beef, pork, poultry and turkey being stockpiled in U.S. facilities, rising above 2.5 billion pounds, agricultural analysts said. U.S. consumers’ appetite for meat is growing, but not fast enough to keep up with record production of hogs and chickens. That leaves the U.S. meat industry increasingly reliant on exports, but Mexico and China—among the largest foreign buyers of U.S.

Trump praises tariffs as 'the greatest' ahead of meeting with European Commission chief

Politico | Posted onJuly 24, 2018 in Agriculture, Federal News

President Donald Trump defended his trade policy Tuesday morning, declaring that “tariffs are the greatest” because they allow him to fight back against nations that engage in trade practices unfair to the U.S. “Tariffs are the greatest! Either a country which has treated the United States unfairly on Trade negotiates a fair deal, or it gets hit with Tariffs,” the president wrote on Twitter. “It’s as simple as that - and everybody’s talking! Remember, we are the “piggy bank” that’s being robbed.

Ernst stikes back at Trump advisor comment that trade losses are "rounding error"

Ernst Senate Website | Posted onJuly 20, 2018 in Agriculture, Federal News

Even as the Trump administration’s trade war with China starts to bite farm country, producers aren’t getting a lot of sympathy from White House trade adviser Peter Navarro.  Navarro, speaking from the White House lawn , said the trade losses due to China’s new tariffs amount to a “rounding error.” Some soybean growers already are expected to go out of business later this year due to the depressed prices that resulted from China’s 25 percent retaliatory tariff.

Gov. Reynold signs executive order aiming to help rural Iowa communities

Siouxland Proud | Posted onJuly 19, 2018 in Rural, SARL Members and Alumni News

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds is hoping to help rural areas of the state through an executive order.  Reynolds signed the order Wednesday that creates the Governor’s Empower Rural Iowa Initiative, according to a release. They say the initiative will identify legislative, regulatory and policy changes through a partnership with the Iowa Rural Development Council. with co-chairs Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg and Sandy Ehrig of the Iowa Rural Development Council.

Maine legislator badly burned by fire on farm

Central Maine | Posted onJuly 19, 2018 in SARL Members and Alumni News

Representative Craig Hickman reportedly was burned on his legs and chest during the Tuesday morning incident. A state representative from Winthrop was burned badly Tuesday morning while attempting to light a brush pile on fire but was expected to make a full recovery.

Ohio Governor Kasich signs order to toughen control of fertilizer pollution

Toledo Blade | Posted onJuly 19, 2018 in Agriculture, SARL Members and Alumni News

 Frustrated by lawmakers’ refusal to consider a bill to get tougher on sources of agricultural pollution feeding Lake Erie’s chronic toxic algae problem, Gov. John Kasich on Wednesday took matters into his own hands with an executive order. “This is just requiring farmers to figure out a way to manage their land in a more effective and environmentally friendly way,” the Republican governor said.

Is the "organic" seal worth it, given disputes on standards?

ABC News | Posted onJuly 19, 2018 in Agriculture News

Is paying more for organic milk, meat or a can of beans worth it? The "USDA Organic" label generally signifies a product is made with relatively minimal synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, and that animals are raised according to certain guidelines. But disputes over the rules, and questions about adherence, may raise doubts about whether the price is justified.A federal audit in September found the U.S.

Ethanol backers say waivers depressed ethanol use by 2 billion gallons

Radio Iowa | Posted onJuly 19, 2018 in Energy News

Ethanol advocates are urging the Environmental Protection Agency to raise the 2019 federal ethanol production mandate to make up for waivers granted this year. Scott Pruitt, the EPA Administrator who resigned earlier this month, issued waivers so some small refineries didn’t have to blend ethanol into gasoline. Ethanol advocates say more than two billion gallons of the corn-based fuel would have been added to gasoline if Pruitt hadn’t granted those waivers. Lamberty and others are lobbying the EPA to add onto the 2019 federal production guidelines to make up for the losses.

Impact of Free-range Poultry Production Systems--New CAST Issue Paper

Council for Agriculture Science and Technology | Posted onJuly 19, 2018 in Agriculture News

Despite the ever-increasing separation between farming and the general public, today’s consumers are increasingly interested in where their food comes from and how it is produced. With regard to animal food products, animal welfare, food quality, and sustainability have become key issues of consumer concern resulting in increased pressure for farmers to transition from conventionally raised poultry to free-range poultry production.
