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The maker of the Impossible Burger tested its secret sauce in rats. Then PETA went on the attack

Stat News | Posted onAugust 16, 2018 in Food News

Is the death of 188 lab rats justifiable if it spares the lives of millions of cows?That’s the question animating a heated war of words between two organizations that share a core value: saving the lives of animals.On one side is Impossible Foods, the Silicon Valley company behind the Impossible Burger and other meatless products that actually taste like meat.

Dairy farmers come together in effort to raise milk prices

Caledonian Record | Posted onAugust 16, 2018 in Agriculture News

In order to kick off a national effort to raise prices and prevent another four-year downturn, the Northeast dairy cooperative Agri-Mark invited stakeholders from across the country to a summit at the Gov. Nelson A.

As Crisis Rocks Dairy Industry, Farmers Focus On How To Manage Milk Supply

Vermont Public Radio | Posted onAugust 16, 2018 in Agriculture News

“In Vermont alone we’ve lost 66 this year. So we’re talking 8-10 percent of Vermont farmers have gone out of business this year,” he said. “Something has to change. We can’t continue to keep the current system in place if we’re going to retain farmers.” If crisis creates opportunity, then the meeting Monday might be the best chance in years to gain support for some sort of a system to manage the milk supply, Tebbetts said.The market now is awash in too much milk. And for economic reasons, farmers often add more cows so they can sell more milk just to keep afloat as prices fall.

CA: New Senate Bill would make water and milk default drinks for children's meals

ABC News | Posted onAugust 16, 2018 in Agriculture, SARL Members and Alumni News

A new Senate Bill is trying to make water and milk the default options for children's meals.

The process FDA is undertaking for reviewing and modernizing the agency’s standards of identity for dairy products

FDA | Posted onAugust 16, 2018 in Agriculture, Federal News

One area that needs greater clarity – and which has been the subject of much discussion of late – is the wide variety of plant-based foods that are being positioned in the marketplace as substitutes for standardized dairy products. Many of these plant-based foods use traditional dairy terms (e.g., milk, yogurt, cheese) in the name of the product.

New Mexico state engineer denies water speculator bid

Santa Fe New Mexican | Posted onAugust 16, 2018 in Agriculture News

In a move hailed by environmentalists and nearby landowners, New Mexico’s top water-rights official has dismissed as speculative a company’s application to tap billions of gallons of groundwater from a closed basin deep beneath the Plains of San Agustin in western New Mexico.The denial is the latest twist in the 11-year quest by Augustin Plains Ranch LLC to siphon off 54,000 acre-feet, or 17.6 billion gallons, of water annually and pipe it to as-yet-undetermined communities in Central and Northern New Mexico.Douglas Meiklejohn, executive director of the Santa Fe-based New Mexico Environment

Employees Reveal Internal HSUS Problems

Humane Watch | Posted onAugust 16, 2018 in Agriculture News

Charity evaluators have knocked HSUS for its practices—and they’re not the only ones. Anonymous reviews posted to employer review site Glassdoor by current and former HSUS staff reveal an insider’s look at HSUS. And it’s rough.  One recent review from an employee who has worked at HSUS for more than a decade calls the organization “toxic” and littered with “incompetent managers” who have undue influence in the organization.

Growing Lasting Wealth in Cobb County

Strone Towns | Posted onAugust 16, 2018 in Rural News

Marietta should aspire to grow its own downtown instead of pretending that Atlanta is its downtown. Assuming that the pattern found in Johns Creek and Gwinnett County extends throughout the rest of the first ring of suburbs, it’s extremely likely that Cobb County imports as many commuters as it exports on any given workday. There’s no reason that they should not be able to retain their wealth and create more complete neighborhoods in the process.

Most public engagement is worse than worthless

Strong Towns | Posted onAugust 16, 2018 in Rural News

Chuck Marohn's Strong Towns article entitled "Most Public Engagement is Worthless" grabbed my attention. The article is fantastic, and the comments are getting richer and richer as I write this. But I would like to go a bit further. I think most public engagement is beyond worthless. I think it actually corrodes the relationships we need in order to build a strong town.

Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin Grants

| Posted onAugust 16, 2018 in Agriculture, SARL Members and Alumni News

Launched in 2008, the Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin (BLBW) competitive grant program is designed to strengthen Wisconsin’s agricultural and food industries by working to reduce the marketing, distribution, and processing hurdles that impede the expansion of sales of Wisconsin’s food products to local purchasers. Managed by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP), the grants can help farms and business more efficiently process, market and distribute food in local markets including stores, schools and institutions.
