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African Swine Fever discovered in Belgium

Meatingplace (free registration required) | Posted onSeptember 20, 2018 in Agriculture News

African Swine Fever (ASF) has been confirmed in two wild boars in Belgium, in an area about eight miles from the border with France and 11 miles from the border with Luxembourg.

Fed survey finds concerns about rising trade tensions

AP | Posted onSeptember 20, 2018 in Agriculture, Federal News

The Federal Reserve reported  that its latest survey of business conditions nationwide found rising concerns over the impact Trump administration trade policies could have on the economy. The Fed’s 12 regional banks said the economy is growing at a moderate pace although three districts — Philadelphia, St. Louis and Kansas City — depicted activity as somewhat below average.While businesses remained optimistic about near-term prospects, the Fed found worries about trade had prompted some businesses to scale back or postpone their capital investment plans.

CSP zeroed out in House Farm Bill

Daily Yonder | Posted onSeptember 20, 2018 in Federal News

The Conservation Stewardship Program provides a 4 to 1 return on investment. The House version of the farm bill would eliminate the program.Eliminating a USDA program that helps farmers increase yields while protecting the environment would cost taxpayers billions of dollars in economic and ecological benefits, according to a study by conservation-minded scientists.  The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), which currently helps U.S. landowners manage 72 million acres of agricultural land, is zeroed out in the House version of the farm bill.

USDA proposes clearance for catfish from Vietnam, China and Thailand

Politico | Posted onSeptember 20, 2018 in Agriculture News

The Food Safety and Inspection Service plans to publish a Federal Register notice formally designating China, Vietnam and Thailand as eligible countries to export catfish and catfish products to the U.S. FSIS said it determined that the inspection system in each country was “equivalent to the system that the United States has established under the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA) and its implementing regulations.” Congress included provisions in both the 2004 and 2008 farm bills transferring catfish inspection to the USDA, from the FDA. FSIS published a final rule in Dec.

Beware of Disaster Animal Exploiters

Humane Watch | Posted onSeptember 19, 2018 in Agriculture News

For pet owners in the hurricane’s path, it is wise to prepare ahead of time and take steps to ensure your pet’s safety. For those looking to help out or offer financial assistance to rescue efforts, be advised that giving money to the Humane Society of the United States may not do much—if anything—for animals in need. HSUS likes to tout its “rescue team” and pet shelter “partners” during natural disasters.We previously detailed how, in the wake of 2016’s Hurricane Matthew, HSUS gave a measly $8,000 to “help” its shelter partners take in animals.

Farm victim of ‘patent troll’ lawsuit

Capital Press | Posted onSeptember 19, 2018 in Agriculture News

An Oregon farm that sells organic foods and other products online is accused of patent infringement in a “patent troll” lawsuit.The vaguely threatening letter over alleged patent infringement that Azure Farms received last year didn’t make much of an impression on David Stelzer.Stelzer, the company’s founder and CEO, consulted with his information technology employees, who assumed the letter was a scam.“I didn’t give it a second thought,” he said.Now, the Oregon company is the defendant in a lawsuit that alleges its online website for selling organic food and other products has violated a p

Dairy export numbers hint at tariff effects

Capital Press | Posted onSeptember 19, 2018 in Agriculture News

Aside from the data, USDEC says numerous exporters have talked of lost contracts, expectations of losing contracts and adjusting prices lower to hold onto market share. U.S. dairy exports in July were seasonably lower and the lowest since January, but they were still ahead of year-ago levels.Suppliers shipped 170,100 tons of milk powders, cheese, butterfat, whey and lactose, up 11 percent over July 2017. Those exports were worth $434 million, a 3 percent increase over a year earlier, U.S.

Federal Reserve September Beige Book

Federal Reserve Bank | Posted onSeptember 19, 2018 in Agriculture News

Reports from the Federal Reserve Districts suggested that the economy expanded at a moderate pace through the end of August. Dallas reported relatively brisk growth, while Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Kansas City indicated somewhat below average growth. Consumer spending continued to grow at a modest pace since the last report, and tourism activity expanded, to varying degrees, across the nation. Manufacturing activity grew at a moderate rate in most Districts, though St. Louis described business as little changed and Richmond reported a decline in activity.

UK to replace EU farm subsidies with 7-year transition scheme

Financial Times | Posted onSeptember 19, 2018 in Federal News

The UK government plans to introduce a seven-year transition period for farmers’ funding from 2021, during which direct payments from the state will be reduced and tied more closely to delivering environmental and other “public” goods. The Environmental Land Management scheme will replace EU basic farm payments, which are based on the amount of land farmed, under which farmers who provide the greatest environmental benefit will receive the largest amount of public money.

How free-from foods are changing manufacturing

Food Dive | Posted onSeptember 19, 2018 in Food News

U.S. consumers are increasingly scanning labels to check that products do not contain certain ingredients, such as gluten, GMOs, antibiotics, pesticides and allergens, according to Bloomberg. The trend is having a huge impact on how manufacturers source, prepare and package foods and beverages. Sales of these "free-from" foods are expected to grow 15%, or $1.4 billion, between 2017 and 2022 — with the U.S. as the largest global growth market, according to Euromonitor data.
