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Danny Meyer Just Made a Big Investment in Food Delivery

Grub Street | Posted onOctober 10, 2018 in Food News

Danny Meyer wants to be your delivery man. His private-equity fund Enlightened Hospitality Investments has led a new funding round into Goldbelly, the online food market that brings local specialties to a national audience. Following the success of Shake Shack, Meyer — once a neighborhood restaurateur who didn’t even stray far from Union Square — has been busy investing in food businesses like Los Angeles chain Tender Greens and Portland ice-cream maker Salt & Straw.Goldbelly is a one-stop resource for American regional foods that smartly capitalizes on people’s food obsessions.

'Refugee' soybeans in the Dakotas seek a home after China stops buying as part of its trade war with the US

CNBC | Posted onOctober 10, 2018 in Agriculture News

Last year at this time there were trainloads of soybeans headed to the Pacific Northwest from the Dakotas to meet orders from Chinaa. But the U.S.-China trade war and tariffs on American soybeans has caused Chinese buyers to stay away.That's proving to be especially painful for farmers in the Dakotas, where lower cash prices are offered by the local grain elevators.Now there are so-called "refugee" soybeans that need a new home.

Bovine TB identified in Michigan beef herd

Meating Place (free registration required) | Posted onOctober 10, 2018 in Agriculture News

The state of Michigan announced that bovine tuberculosis was recently confirmed in a large beef herd in Alcona County. The infectious bacterial disease, which is endemic in the free-ranging white-tailed deer population in a Michigan zone that includes four counties, was identified in the beef herd through routine surveillance testing. Annual surveillance and movement tests are required of cattle producers to help catch the disease early and prevent it from moving off the farm.

Trespassing, felony burglary and conspiracy; activists are at it again

Meating Place (free registration required) | Posted onOctober 10, 2018 in Agriculture News

Imagine being a farmer going about your business on a Sunday afternoon, checking on your livestock or poultry. Suddenly, 200 animal rights activists descend upon your property, demanding access to your barns. They stick a camera in your face to capture your pleas for them to stop as they check every door until they find one that will open. Sound crazy?Unfortunately, this exact scenario played out on a Petaluma, CA broiler farm at the end of September.

How young Iowans in one small town could land jobs paying $75,000

Des Moines Register | Posted onOctober 10, 2018 in Rural News

This north-central Iowa town of about 4,200 people faces many of the problems other rural communities face: Shrinking population, deteriorating downtowns, aging homes and consolidating schools. But a unique agreement with a Des Moines technology consultant could change its future — and possibly provide a model for revitalizing other rural Iowa communities. Pillar Technology plans to open a $1.7 million office in Jefferson and hire up to 30 workers.

Food Crops From Corn to Rice Are Seen at Risk From Warmer Change

Bloomberg | Posted onOctober 10, 2018 in Agriculture News

Farming food crops of all kinds is likely to become more difficult as global temperatures increase, depressing yields for corn, soybeans, rice and wheat. That’s the bleak assessment set out by a United Nations panel of scientists gathered to assess the impact of a climate change. It warned the world is 1 degree Celsius (1.8 Fahrenheit) hotter than it was at the start of the industrial revolution and is on track to warm 3 degrees by the end of the century.The global corn crop may shrink by 10 percent if temperatures rise 1.5 degrees, a threshold the panel expects may be reached by 2035.

CoBank: Loose ends remain in USMCA

Meat & Poultry | Posted onOctober 10, 2018 in Federal News

Negotiators for the United States and Canada continue work on finishing touches of the US-Mexico-Canada trade agreement following a hard Sept. 30 deadline that spurred down-to-the-wire talks on a rewrite of the North American Free Trade Agreement acceptable to both countries, CoBank’s Knowledge Exchange Division said in an analysis of the USMCA. The USMCA provides the US agriculture sector a level of certainty, improvements in market access for some ag-related products and momentum heading into trade talks with China, according to the report.

USMCA Trade Deal Is A Win For Texas Energy Producers

Texas Standard | Posted onOctober 10, 2018 in Energy News

President Donald Trump’s new trade deal, the USMCA, appears be beneficial to big oil and gas companies. Canada recently signed onto the new deal, along with the U.S. And Mexico, in a deal that replaces NAFTA. The new deal also has broad implications for the Texas economy, particularly energy production. Matt Smith, director of commodity research at ClipperData, says the new agreement includes provisions that help protect U.S. oil company investments abroad.“It also prohibits tariffs on oil and gas products, which is pretty handy for the U.S.

Trump tells EPA to pave the way for year round E15 sales

Radio Iowa | Posted onOctober 10, 2018 in Energy News

A White House official says President Trump has ordered the EPA to set the wheels in motion for the year-round sale of gasoline blended with 15 percent ethanol.Currently, gasoline with 10 percent ethanol may be sold at any time of the year in the United States. The oil industry has fought to preserve rules that have prevented higher percentages of ethanol from being added to gasoline during the summer.The announcement last night about year-round E15 sales sets Trump firmly on the side of corn growers.

Free beer for going solar: Local brewery teams up with electric coop for community panels

The Missoulian | Posted onOctober 10, 2018 in News

A local brewery and a community-owned electric cooperative have paired up to offer something many Missoulians might appreciate: Solar energy and free beer.The Missoula Electric Cooperative is in the process of installing a Community Solar Array at the new Kettlehouse K3 brewery in Bonner, which will open a brand-new taproom to the public early in 2019.Members of the cooperative can purchase one of the 188 available solar panels and get credited on their electric bill for the energy output of the panel for 25 years.
