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Updated Canadian Food Safety Rules

Meating Place (free registration required) | Posted onJanuary 17, 2019 in Agriculture News

Food businesses that import or prepare food for export from Canada will be required to follow new rules designed to remove unsafe food from the marketplace faster and stop the spread of disease, starting yesterday. The new Safe Foods for Canadians Regulations(SFCR), effective Jan. 15, cover a wide range of food safety-related efforts from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), including licensing, labeling standards, rules enforcement and new recall protocols.

Telemedicine Will Enhance, Not Replace Doctors In Rural Wisconsin

Wisconsin Public Radio | Posted onJanuary 17, 2019 in Agriculture News

Medical centers in rural Wisconsin are working to meet the needs of underserved patients through technology — but that’s slow going and may not be the best replacement for human interaction in the future.

How Is Rural America Saving Itself?

Wisconsin Public Radio | Posted onJanuary 17, 2019 in Rural News

Recent news analysis has asked - and tried to answer the question - of whether we can we save rural America. But our guest says that's the wrong question. He joins us to explore how rural America is saving itself and why rethinking what economic success looks like is key for the future of rural success.

How the Farm Bill help spur a rural innovation renaissance

Pacific Standard | Posted onJanuary 17, 2019 in Federal News

Rural and small towns in the United States have higher rates of self-employment than their urban and suburban counterparts. More than that, the more rural the county, the higher the rate of entrepreneurship—and these businesses tend to be more resilient because of their engagement with smaller communities.

Texas Case Offers Good Analysis of Enforceability of Liability Release

Texas A&M | Posted onJanuary 17, 2019 in Agriculture News

One way that Texas landowners can protect themselves from liability is to ensure that guests sign liability waivers before engaging in certain activities.  For example, oftentimes hunters that plan to hunt on the property of another are asked to sign a liability waiver (also called a release of liability).  A recent Texas case, Quiroz v.

Poll: Consumers want FDA to end mislabeling of fake milks

Feedstuffs | Posted onJanuary 17, 2019 in Food News

New national survey data released Jan. 10 found that consumers – by a nearly three-to-one margin – want the U.S. Food & Drug Administration to enforce existing regulations and prohibit non-dairy beverage companies from using the term “milk” on their product labels. FDA is currently soliciting public comment regarding front-of-package dairy labeling regulations through Jan. 28.

‘Right This Very Minute’ picked as AFB Foundation’s book of the year

Ag Daily | Posted onJanuary 17, 2019 in Agriculture News

Helping to make young people more connected to agriculture, the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture has chosen its next book of the year: “Right This Very Minute,” written by Lisl H. Detlefsen and illustrated by Renee Kurilla. Subtitled, “A Table-to-Farm Book about Food and Farming,” the kids book is a delicious celebration of agriculture and is sure to inspire readers of all ages to learn more about where their food comes from.

Ex-dairy worker settles suit with attorney he claims tried to have him deported

San Francisco Chronicle | Posted onJanuary 17, 2019 in Agriculture News

A former Northern California dairy worker has won a million-dollar settlement against his ex-employer’s attorney, who responded to a lawsuit the man filed against the dairy over wages by — according to the worker — contacting immigration officials to try to get him deported. Jose Arias had already settled a retaliation suit against his former employer, Angelo Dairy of Acampo (San Joaquin County), when on Monday lawyers for California Rural Legal Assistance and Legal Aid at Work announced the $1 million settlement of a suit against attorney Anthony Raimondo.

Animal Agriculture Alliance debuts sustainability report

Feedstuffs | Posted onJanuary 17, 2019 in Agriculture News

The Animal Agriculture Alliance has released a new report that highlights how the animal agriculture industry shares the same values as today’s consumer with its commitment to animal care, environmental stewardship, responsible antibiotic use, food safety and nutrition. According to the report, there are about 2.1 million farms scattered throughout the U.S., and 99% of them are operated by families, with 20% of those being beginning farmers.

CU Boulder professor says “we can’t log our way out of the fire problem”

The Denver Post | Posted onJanuary 17, 2019 in Rural News

Trump quietly issued an executive order to expand logging on public land on the grounds that it will curb deadly wildfires. The declaration, issued the Friday before Christmas, reflects Trump’s interest in forest management since a spate of wildfires ravaged California last year.
